biology research presentation

First Steps

  • Thoroughly read the Research Project page for directions on how to choose a topic in sustainability.
  • The link to this page is found directly from our course homepage.


  • You will make a presentation using the software tool of your choice.
  • Once you are finished, you will save the presentation slides as a PDF, which must be uploaded to Canvas.
  • Simply select the Submit Assignment link on this page once you are ready to upload your final presentation.
    • Please note that this assignment is set so that it will only accept a file upload that has been saved as a PDF.
    • Email your professor if you do not know how to save your file as a PDF.


  • To earn full points, your research project presentation needs the following parts on at least five slides (at minimum):
    1. Project title on the first slide, including your full name and date of submission
    2. A short summary of the topic
    3. Five labeled or captioned pictures (at minimum)
    4. One labeled or captioned graph (at minimum)
    5. List of three personal things students can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle
    6. List of sources

Tips for Success

  • Use as many slides as it takes to present your topic completely.
  • Slides should not be too text heavy and should instead use bullet points.
  • Be sure to include at least one picture per slide for visual interest.

Presentation Software Options

Free to Download

Free Office 365 for SMCCD Students

CSM Computer Labs

  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Apple Keynote
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