explore the developmental theories of erikson and piaget in relation to two children in different age groups that you know comparing and contrasting the different developmental levels the children are or should be in

You will be writing a short essay, 3-4 pages long, connecting Erikson and Piaget’s developmental theories to two children of different age groups that you know. Review the theories using the resources provided in your book, on Canvas or any other resources that are scholarly and appropriate. You will need to determine what stage the two children should be in according to both theories and if they are in the correct stage. You must work with, observe play and ask the children questions that will help you determine if they are in the correct stages according to both theories. This information: stages from both theories, questions or observations used to determine if they are in the correct stage, why and why not, MUST be incorporated into your paper. You must state how you would incorporate your finding into practice when caring for a child in the hospital.

Paper Requirements:

Length and Elements:

The length of this essay should be 3-4 pages and should include:

  • Introduction with specific thesis statement (i.e. The purpose of this paper is to…)

Body of Paper:

  • Demonstrate how BOTH Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories are evident in the children you observed/questioned;
  • Use scholarly sources to support your ideas and explanations of the theories; and
  • Use specific examples from the observation you made and the answers you received from the children;
  • Relate how you would use this information in practice when caring for a child, for example how would you gear your communication and interventions to a child developmental stage. Giving specific examples of what you would say or do differently.


  • Summarize your findings; re-emphasize the thesis of the paper without simply repeating it; and do not introduce new ideas here
  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and APA formatting including a title and reference page (the title and reference pages do not count toward the page total)
  • NM347-Developmental Theories Paper

    Developmental Theories Paper
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

    20.0 pts

    Level 5
    Clear, concise and specific thesis statement.

    18.0 pts

    Level 4
    Adequately introduces topic/Thesis statement may be lacking specificity.

    16.0 pts

    Level 3
    The introduction is too short/Thesis statement is vague.

    14.0 pts

    Level 2
    Some introduction components missing/Thesis statement is poor or unidentifiable.

    12.0 pts

    Level 1
    Thesis missing/Introduction does not introduce the topic.

    0.0 pts

    Level 0
    No paper was submitted.

    20.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
    Body Organization

    30.0 pts

    Level 5
    Organized and logically explains how Erikson and Piaget’s theories and levels were applied to the child (including the questions asked) and in the development of the Simba character. Related how to use this information in practice when caring for a child as a patient. Exhibits critical thinking.

    27.0 pts

    Level 4
    Well organized and easy to follow. Explanation of how Erikson and Piaget’s theories and levels were applied to the child (including the questions asked) and in the development of the Simba character requires more explanation. Related how to use this information in practice when caring for a child as a patient.

    24.0 pts

    Level 3
    Some organizational problems. Not enough support to show how Erikson and Piaget’s theories and levels were applied to the child and in the development of the Simba character. Unable to relate how you would use this information in practice when caring for a child as a patient.

    21.0 pts

    Level 2
    Difficult to follow/Jumps topics.

    18.0 pts

    Level 1
    No sequence/Jumps topics frequently.

    0.0 pts

    Level 0
    No paper was submitted.

    30.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

    20.0 pts

    Level 5
    Uses excellent vocabulary well. Stays on topic. Correct tense and point of view. Has sentence variety. Correct spelling and punctuation.

    18.0 pts

    Level 4
    Attempts higher level vocabulary with some success. Stays on topic. Mostly correct tense and point of view. Sentences correct but lacking in variety. Few spelling errors.

    16.0 pts

    Level 3
    Both higher and lower vocabulary. Some tense and point of view errors. Occasionally strays off topic. Some sentence fragments or run-ons. Several preventable spelling errors.

    14.0 pts

    Level 2
    Vocabulary is very basic and incorrect. Some tense and point of view errors. Many sentence fragments or run-ons. Many spelling errors.

    12.0 pts

    Level 1
    Improper word choices. Many tense and point of view errors. Many mechanical errors of all types.

    0.0 pts

    Level 0
    No paper was submitted.

    20.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

    10.0 pts

    Level 5
    Deliberate closing strategy. Does not introduce new material. Paraphrases the thesis but does not merely repeat introduction.

    9.0 pts

    Level 4
    Adequate closing. Does not introduce new material. Re-states thesis in the same words but does not completely repeat introduction.

    8.0 pts

    Level 3
    Weak closing. Does not introduce new material. Merely repeats the introduction.

    7.0 pts

    Level 2
    Weak closing. Introduces new material. Does not refer to the thesis.

    6.0 pts

    Level 1
    No formal closing. New material introduced. Does not refer to the introduction.

    0.0 pts

    Level 0
    No paper was submitted.

    10.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
    APA 6th Edition Formatting


    10.0 pts

    Level 5
    The entire paper is properly formatted according to APA 6th edition. This includes a title page, in-text citations, reference list, Times New Roman 12 point font, and a complete reference list that includes all citations used in the body of the paper.

    9.0 pts

    Level 4
    Improperly cites in-text references or has 1-2 formatting errors.

    8.0 pts

    Level 3
    Paper has 3-4 improper formatting errors or references incomplete or incorrectly formatted.

    7.0 pts

    Level 2
    Improper format in most places/References incomplete and incorrectly formatted/Student may need to revise paper if violations of the Herzing University Academic Integrity Policy are violated.

    6.0 pts

    Level 1
    Improper format throughout/No reference page/ Student will need to revise paper if violations of the Herzing University Academic Integrity Policy are violated.

    0.0 pts

    Level 0
    No paper was submitted.

    10.0 pts

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