Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

When you place an order with our company, we ask you to provide us with such personal information as your name, phone number, and email address. We need this data to keep you updated on the important things related to your order or account.

Please note that our support team may contact you using only the phone number(s) stated on our website, such as +1 (914) -607-8799. In order to secure our mutual cooperation, please do not communicate with those who introduce themselves as support staff and reach you from different phone numbers.

Also remember that we never ask you to provide your credit card information via phone conversations. You should enter this information only on the appropriate billing form when making an online payment on our website. The support administrator will send a confirmation letter to your personal account when your payment is received.

We use a secure encrypted connection and do not store your private data if we do not need it anymore. For more details about how we ensure your confidentiality, check our Privacy Policy, which completely complies with the GDPR.

We offer original samples that can be used legally in a number of ways if properly referenced:

  • As a source of arguments or ideas for your own research
  • As a source of additional understanding of the subject
  • For direct citing

Nonetheless, check your college’s/university’s policies, including their definition of plagiarism and paraphrasing before using our services. Make conscious decisions in regards to your education. is a London-incorporated academic assistance company. We have been working with students from the United States, the UK, and Canada since 2015 and are accepting online orders from any other country in the world. Our support offices are located in  Europe.

We do not complete multiple choice tests and/or any other kind of online tests, as we believe it is as much the student’s direct responsibility to pass tests (whether they are online or not), as it is to take exams. Besides, it is hard to evaluate the true quantity of work done by the writer while performing a multiple choice test. We also recommend not to share your personal information with writers (including any account login information) both in the paper’s details and through messages, as the company will not take responsibility if your personal data is abused in such a situation. In case you have ordered such an assignment, your order will be canceled and money will be immediately paid back.

We provide a plagiarism-free guarantee that ensures your paper is always checked for its uniqueness. Please note that it is possible for a writing company to guarantee no plagiarism against open Internet sources and a number of certain databases, but there is no technology (except for itself) that could guarantee no plagiarism against all sources that are indexed by turnitin. If you want to be 100% sure of your paper’s originality, we suggest you to check it using the WriteCheck service from and send us the report.

No, do not have such a database. All papers you order from us are written from scratch. This means your paper is unique and has never been published before—neither will it be published after we deliver it to you.

You can get more details about possible types and terms of refunds on our official money-back guarantee page.

Our writers have various academic degrees (from master’s to PhD level) in a number of specializations. Due to that, we can easily choose an expert who fits the exact requirements for completing a particular paper. To ensure the quality of our service, we carefully investigate each writer’s skills set based on the following parameters:

  • Academic and professional experience
  • Results of the writer’s online written English test and the writer’s application essay
  • Rating in a particular field of study a writer has gained while working.