Has the source been revised or updated? Is the source current (1-5 years old) or out of date for your topic?

Almond, Phil. “The persistence of, and challenges to, societal effects in the context of global competition.” Making work more equal. Manchester University Press, 2017. 52-69. https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/31207/Making%20work%20more%20equal.pdf?sequen#page=69 answer the question for the source Title of source Name of author of source Name of container of source Date of publication and date of access When was the information in this source published or posted ? Has the source been revised or updated? Is the source current (1-5 years old) or out of date for your topic? Does it matter if it is/isnt ? Explain ! Are any links on/in the source functional or broken ? Does the information in the source relate to your topic or answer your research question? Who is the intended audience for this source and how do you know ? Is the information in this source at an appropriate level for you needs? Did you look at a variety of source before choosing this one? Explain Would you be comfortable using this source for a research based project for school ? Explain Who is the author/punlisher/source/sponsor? What are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations and are they given in the source? What appear to be the author’s qualifications to write on this topic ? Is there contact information for the author like email address? Does the source have a URLand if so does it reveal anything about the author or the source ? Look for edu, gov, etc Where does the information in the source come from ? Is the information in the source supported by evidence? Has the source been reviewed, edited, peer reviewed, or refereed ? Can you verify any of the information from this source by using another source perhaps in a source cited by this source ? Does the language of the source seem biased and or full of personal pronouns or factual and or free of emotion? How can you tell ? Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors in this source? How can you tell ? How does this help or hinder the clarity of the source? What is the purpose of the information? Do the authors/sponsors for the source make their intention or purpose clear? How do ? Is the source fact, opinion, propaganda, “fake news, “etc? How do you know? Does the point of view appear objective and impartial ? How so ? Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases apparent in this source ? How so ?

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