i need help writing this paper 10

This is what I have so far:

Imagine being sick and uncomfortable in a hospital bed and not having control over your own privacy and identity. Working class citizens don’t know what it is like to have their pictures taken and sold to magazines and newspaper but for celebrities, this is how they make a living. A celebrity’s image is everything, and to them any publicity is good publicity as long as it has their face on it. Fortunately for everyone else, you don’t have to deal with having paparazzi following you around or harassing you while you are shamelessly enjoying a double cheeseburger with extra cheese, onions and as many sauces as you could name at your local fast food joint. However, going back to the main point about hospital stays and privacy; when is a person’s privacy considered public property and when is it a sacred area that no one can trespass? To answer that question there are laws that protect people, including celebrities, from having their personal information and image protected from the rest of the world. The people who work in the healthcare field are just that, people and as people they make mistakes and do things that may be morally or ethically incorrect. It is up to the other employees and the administrators to be on the lookout for any foul play and report it, because in the end the patients are the ones who will be hurt from this type of behavior. Given the scenario of the RUA, there is definitely a violation of not only HIPAA and other patient privacy laws but also of a person’s privacy and well-being. For the purpose of this paper we will be discussing scenario number four as it is the most realistic in my opinion regarding the situation as a whole. If something like this were to happen and you innocently take a picture of the person and share it with your friend, the picture would somehow find its way into the wrong hands and this can be traced back to you, which is probably what would happen in this scenario. As the nurse who was taking care of the patient, you’re the one who appears in the charts and in the patient’s information, therefore allowing for investigators to somehow link the now famous picture back to your smartphone which is also nowhere to be found.


According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or HIPAA, national standards are set in place and must be followed by all those who work and deal with patients’ personal information and medical records in order to protect a person’s privacy and keep their information secure

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