lesson 1 relationships among governments unit 5

Answer the following questions.

1) Check all that apply.

Throughout the history of the United States, there has always been a conflict between which two sovereignties?

2) Select the best answer.

Graphical organizer

What would be the best title for the above diagram?

Federalism: Determining the Roles of State and National Sovereignty

The Constitution: The Supreme Law of the Land

The Articles of Confederation: An Ineffective System of Government

Judicial Review: Its Role in the Distribution of Power

3) Check all that apply.

Select THREE ways that the Commerce Clause has been used to extend federal powers.

It is used to limit collection of state sales tax.

Congress the latitude to regulate noninterstate matters.

commerce within a single state.

It provides a strict definition of commerce.

necessary for executing its policies.

Congress unlimited power in determining what activities might disrupt economic conditions in the nation.

4) Check all that apply.

Select THREE reasons why the Spending (General Welfare) Clause is controversial.


is meant by “general welfare.”

Congress has restrictions on its taxing and spending.

States want to share in the responsibility of making spending decisions.

Congress uses general welfare as a means of limiting states’ rights.


5) Check all that apply.

Select TWO ways states can influence the national government.

States may veto national decisions by two-thirds agreement.

can go to court to challenge the constitutionality of the national government’s actions.

constituents to support specific state requests.

States may refuse to send federal income taxes to the national government.

6) Match the constitutional powers with the descriptions.
possible answers

spending clause, necessary and proper clause, judicial review, preemption, commerce clause, full faith and credit clause, supremacy clause

gives Congress the power to regulate domestic and foreign trade, which limits the states’ regulation

gives Congress authority to make laws needed to execute its powers, which may limit the states’ power

authority to examine the constitutionality of the other branches of government and their actions

authority of the federal government to take over activities from the state in areas related to the national government

makes the Constitution the highest law of the land and subordinates state law

gives Congress the authority to tax and provide for the general welfare of the nation

makes states respect the acts, records, and judicial proceedings of other states

7) Match the Supreme Court cases with the descriptions.
south Dakota v dole

Gibbson v Ogden

Morrison v United States

Katzenbach v McClung

expanded federal power by requiring state compliance with federal law to receive federal aid

limited federal government’s right to resolve a state criminal case

limited states’ rights to tax navigation between states

expanded federal regulation of segregation and discrimination

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