sociology of cultural and emotion 2

Answer each question including two articles and two concepts provided below, you should incorporate each one in some way, feel warmly invited to expand on them or disagree with them. Each question has three parts and your response should be at least 3 full paragraphs, but there is no requirement for format. You will need the username and password from me once you accept this work.

A) How will cultural struggles in the US change in 50 years? Write a memo to the next generation telling 1) the 2 most important changes coming in race, gender, or other symbolic boundaries; 2) how technology will influence these changes;3) give advice on how best to fight for equality in this new context.

article:1.Jasper 2.(Choose article from Wk14)

concepts: affordances(of tech) & mestiza consciousness



B) You. Choose a scale (micro/meso/macro) and a cultural problem you are likely to face in a role you will play in the future. 1) Describe your future role and other relevant roles along with the cultural roots of the problem; 2) propose a solution and tell how it uses your knowledge of culture & emotion to effectively create change; 3) lay out a strategy to measure and scale your impact.

You choose: 2 concepts +2 authors

– Micro: Ethan Watters, 2017. The Problem With Psychiatry, the ‘DSM,’ and the Way We Study Mental Illness (链接到外部网站。).” Pacific Standard

– Meso: Carribean Fragoza, 2016. ”
Art and Complicity: How the Fight Against Gentrification in Boyle Heights Questions the Role of Artists (链接到外部网站。).”

Macro: Ajay Nair, 2016. ”
Polyculturalism in a Postelection Nation (链接到外部网站。).”
Inside Higher Ed.

C) Politics. You are advising the mayor of LA on how to reframe an issue you care about. In a strategy memo, 1) describe the issue and map a negative frame, detailing its audience and resonant symbols and beliefs; 2) outline a new frame and1-2 messages; 3)articulate a strategy to “go viral” with this new frame including whose minds you are trying to change and how messages will resonate.

article:1. Reinsborough & Canning 2. (Choose article from Wk11)

concepts: symbolic coalition& systemic story.


D) Decisions. Improve health in your community: write a plan that 1) profiles a problem facing the community and the people whose decisions matter most; 2) pinpoints 1-2 cultural/emotional obstacles to progress and the process that perpetuates them; and 3) lays out a strategy to foster healthier decisions.

articles:1.Pérez & Simon 2. (Choose article from Wk9)

concepts: cognitive dissonance & transformation (v. transaction)

file:///Users/miyoozhang/Downloads/Perez%20and%20Simon%202017%20-%20Heartwired%20(1).pdfE) College. You are in charge of increasing diversity and inclusion at Cal State. Write a memo that describes 1) challenges that make it hard for underrepresented race/class/gender groups to advance; 2) how everyday college experiences can “scale up” to macro inequalities; and 3) a program that would make a difference.

articles:1. Ridgeway 2. (Choose article from Wk10)

concepts: capital: cultural, social, economic systemic change


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