the rr should be a short 300 400 word

A simple way of constructing a RR is by writing three paragraphs:

  • Summary. A- Select a passage or set of passages that provide one important concept from uploaded article. Note that a passage here means a paragraph or two or three paragraphs in the uploaded file (article) . Also copy and paste the passage that you are going to choose above the three paragraphs (summary, analysis and response) in order to understand what you are responding to. b- identify a core question that’s crucial to the reading. Examples: “what is the role of the puppeteers in the Allegory of the Cave” or “why does Rawls think that can’t a democratic society be a community?”. c- Summarize this passage in your own words ( make it simple and straightforward ) Show that you can explain to another person what this passage is saying.

note *** do not summarize the whole article just the chosen passage !!

  • Analysis. Give a more detailed analysis of this passage based on critical questions that you are going to ask of the text. Examples of critical questions:
    1. what is the author trying to prove or establish?
    2. what assumptions is the author making?
    3. what is the author’s reasoning in getting from the assumptions (or premises) to what he or she is trying to establish (or conclusion)?
    4. why does the author introduce these ideas at this point? What is the place of this passage within the work as a whole?

Quotations should be correctly cited

Response. Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Do you have objections to what he or she says? If so, what are your reasons for disagreement with him or her? If you agree with him or her, why is that? Are there further consequences that you’d like to examine?

Again : 1- make it look simple and do not use any complicated words or sentences (be straightforward in your writing. And check your grammar mistakes

2- a passage here means a paragraph or two or three paragraphs in the uploaded file (article) .

3- copy and paste the passage that you are going to choose above the three paragraphs (summary, analysis and response)in order to understand what you are responding to.

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