What news has Victor received about his injury?

The soft knock echoes down the hospital corridor as Pastor Alltruth and Coach Fairday wait for permission to enter Victor’s room. "Go away! I don’t want any visitors," comes the response. "I expected as much," nods the pastor to the coach. Then pushing the door open he says, "Sorry. Victor, doctor’s orders." "It’s not fair!" Then Victor’s voice breaks, and tears fill his eyes. "Tell them, Coach. Tell them I will run again." Both the pastor and the coach are silent, over. whelmed with compassion for Victor. Finally Coach Fairday speaks calmly, "Victor, it’s hard to take. Your father told me what the doctor said. The paralysis is permanent unless God performs a miracle." "No! No, no, no!" shrieks Victor. "You don’t understand. Sports are my life." "Wrong, Victor," says the coach. "Sports are not your life. Jesus Christ is, and I understand more than you think." He pauses. "I’m your coach, Victor. I love sports too. Once they were my whole life too. I wanted to go ‘pro’ . . . and I could have-except for my injury." "Injury?" questions Victor, a surprised look altering his expression. "Yes, my knee. The kneecap is gone. No need for details. I ruined it, that’s all, and I couldn’t accept it, just like you. But before I went off the ‘deep end,’ the Lord reminded me of Colossians 3:2. I had been setting my affection on something that wouldn’t last, and my injury was something I couldn’t change. I asked the Lord to show me what I could do that would count for eternity, and He directed me into Christian education. Helping young people learn to walk in God’s way has greater reward than any athletic career. Don’t you see? God has something better for you, just as He did for me." After a long silence Victor answers, "I have to think." "We understand," says Pastor Alltruth, and the two men quietly leave. Respond to the following.

(1) What news has Victor received about his injury?

(2) Has he been able to accept this?

(3) Whose testimony gives Victor new insight?

(4) Victor cannot change the injury, but what can he change?

(5) Do you think Victor will accept his injury or become bitter?

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