Why did Raskelnikov kill the old lady? (There are several possibilities.) Is Raskelnikov evil? Why or why not?

Discussion Board Forum 6

For gaclj week’s Discussion Forum, write a response to the provided question on the first thread as well as your own question on the week’s reading in a new thread by Thursday evening. Then, post two (2) comments to your classmate’s threads by Sunday night of that week. Your response to the initial discussion question must be between 100-150 words (not including the required quotations from the text) and at least 50 words for your own question. Your 2 replies must be at least 100 words each (not including the required quotations or citations from the text).

Initial Discussion Question:

Why did Raskelnikov kill the old lady? (There are several possibilities.) Is Raskelnikov evil? Why or why not? To support your answer, quote or refer to at least one passage from this week’s reading (Books 1-4), and cite page numbers.

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