public communications read the passage carefully and answer the questions

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

The Government of Andhra Pradesh [India], in its endeavor to provide simple, moral, accountable, responsive and transparent governance to its people, launched ‘SMART GOVERNMENT’ (Smartgov) at the secretariat level. This project resulted in an automatic workflow in the secretariat and ensured not only internal efficiency but also provided an effective tool for performance evaluation. In Smartgov, on receipt of a document, it is scanned to generate a number for the file and is e- mailed to the concerned officer. The official noting are done electronically. The system being automatic enforces the desired checks and balances. It curtails negativism and over rides all hurdles of resistance and opposition to change.

The project Smartgov has helped in introducing paper less file processing system in the Andhra Pradesh secretariat. It has not only helped in reducing the time consumed in processing the files, but also significantly improved the quality of decisions besides decrease corruption.

The new governance improvisations/systems because of their faster, efficacious, efficient and effective remedial implications have evoked a positive response from the public in general and the administrative set up in particular speaks volumes for its acceptability. It can, thus, be safely inferred that the total success of effecting changes can only be ensured if it is preceded with requisite training and orientation programs for the end users. This will minimize resistance.

1. What are Performance Indicators? How ‘Smartgov’ is an effective tool for performance evaluation? (Please refer page number 237 of your text book.).

2. Corruption is one of the ethical issue prevails in the government offices. Discuss the need of ethics in government offices. How Smartgov will help in controlling corruption?

3. What are the benefits of information technology in Government Sector? Explain the
‘Smartgov’ systems efficiency.


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