3 part question 3

This assignment has three main parts:

Part 1, by 11:59pm on Wednesday of this week (11/13/19): Choose a reading from this week. Write approximately 200-250 words that discusses how the topic of this reading relates to or conflicts with any one reading from a previous week. In the first sentence or two, be sure to have identified the two readings by name. Turn it in via PDF here.

Part 2, by 11:59pm on Friday of this week (11/15/19): The Canvas peer review mechanism will assign you to comment on five of your classmates’ assignments. Please write a separate comment on each of the five. Each comment should be approximately 30-50 words long. Each comment may expand on the connection the original poster made, may make a connection to some additional material (e.g., another reading for this course, a news article you read, etc.), or may contribute to the ideas in the original text in some other way.

Part 3, by 11:59pm on Monday of next week (11/18/19): Read through the comments left by your classmates on this assignment. Create a new document in Word, Google Docs, or a similar word processing platform. Paste the original text you wrote, and all your classmates’ comments, into that document. Then, at the bottom, write a revised version of your original text that addresses some or all of the comments your classmates wrote. Your revised post may be up to 300 words long. NOTE: Different from the week 3 assignment, you are expected to highlight your revisions made from the original. Submit the full document, with your original post, your classmates’ comments, and your revised post, exported as a PDF

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