bio201 public health and the environment mod7 discussion forum responses 200 words each 2

Please respond to both POST1 and POST2 with at least 200 words and APA cited refererence.




The public health issue, that I have selected for my portfolio, is how to provide solutions to stop the spreading of influenza in day-cares. If solutions are developed, to prevent and cure the flu, these best practices could be communicated on a global scale. If the disease was controlled locally, this would help the spreading of the disease globally. There is a recent article on the World Health Organization (WHO) that talks about an international flight from Dubai to New York in 2018 where there were a few of the 100 passengers that tested positive for the influenza virus. These infected passengers than get off the plane and carry it to their local communities across the globe. (World Health Organization, 2019).

The flu killed one million people globally in 1957. The scary issue is that the there are new strains that continue to develop. This makes it hard for technology to keep up with the right vaccinations to kill each strain. This is why this topic should be taken very seriously.

The global public health issue that I would focus on is the living conditions in developing countries. In conducting research on day-cares in other countries, it was alarming to see the conditions these children were living in, make shift shacks. These conditions alone could strongly impact the transmission of not only the disease influenza, but many other diseases as well. Diseases can also be transmitted at water holes, drinking fountains, and humans sharing food/drinks.

In 50 years , the availability of clean water will be a growing issue. According to an article by Witze A, ScienceNews, “By 2050, some 3.5 billion to 4.4 billion people around the world will live with limited access to water, more than 1 billion of them in cities” (ScienceNews, 2019). This is alarming. A human can live without food for a long time, but not without water. A community action plan is very much needed, not only locally but around the world.



ScienceNews. (2019). More than 2 billing people lack safe drinking water. Than number will only grow. Retrieved from…

World Health Organization. (2019). Influenza: are we ready? Retrieved from


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (2019) reports that the global seizure of amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) drugs have increased more than ten times between 1998 and 2017, with the largest quantities of ATS seized in 2017 being methamphetamine. Out of the 202 countries reported, the majority of these drug seizures occurred in the US, Thailand, Mexico, China, and Saudi Arabia. Since Meth is a synthetic drug, it doesn’t rely on the agricultural factors which affect marijuana, cocaine, and opium. I’ve found that the majority of the chemicals used in meth manufacturing come from factories in China and India, which are transported to Mexico where the final product is made. The US is an easy target since its close by and there is such a demand for the product. It’s a highly addictive and affordable drug, so users can be hooked right away, creating more demand in untapped markets, especially in countries without the infrastructure to prevent increased drug smuggling and substance abuse. Meth manufacturing creates hazardous waste and causes serious harm to its user’s health. Meth addiction is a global issue that has only gotten worse over time.


If I were to select a global public health issue, it would most likely focus on environmental pollution. It has so many far-reaching effects and it’s sad to think about how it will affect my children and future generations. I think this will be the most pressing health issue we will be facing 50 years from now. While there seems to be more concern about reducing emissions, recycling, contamination cleanup, and solar energy recently, there is a lot more that needs to be done to reverse the damage that has been done and that is still being done to our planet.


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2019). Global overview of drug demand and supply. Retrieved from…

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