aha paper please see requirements below

Individual AHA! Paper. Hopefully throughout the semester, students will

occasionally gain deeper learning/insights that they will find especially useful in their personal
or professional lives. I call these kinds of insights “AHA’s! because they often occur to us
seemingly out of nowhere. These AHA’s! are not usually fact-based pieces of information, but
are usually integrative ideas about how to apply IT in personal professional lives, how to
interact with others, or perhaps to how to be more effective in your endeavors. To this end,
every week or so (or more often if the student prefers), each student should think deeply (i.e.,
reflect) on their thoughts and sentiments as it relates to the course (e.g., principles discussed,
technologies used in the course, online vs. traditional learning, personal experiences from the
course or team project, etc.), and write down their thoughts that might be “AHA!-worthy.”
Towards the end of the semester, students will review their collection of thoughts from
throughout the semester and will use that information to identify their four (4) best/most
useful AHA’s! Each AHA! will be approximately 500 words in length, and the final 2000-word
paper will be uploaded as a single Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) to the course
“Dropbox” on the published due date.

Topics discussed in the Class:
1. Change Management
2. IT Leadership
3. Design Innovative Thinking
4. IT Agility – Cloud, DevOps, Infrastructure and Platforms

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