i want essay 2

Please discuss the following prompt: Although Buddhism is able to change, adapt, and be adopted by other cultures and lifestyles, with all these changes, do you think that the original meaning of Buddhism taught by the Buddha himself can be lost or even die? Does the original meaning even matter if it loses its relevancy? . The essay should be approximately 500 words (about 2 pages double spaced).use at least two different peer reviewed sources to help substantiate your points. One of the sources should come from one of the assigned readings, and I would like at least one other source to come from outside our course texts. you must use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS or Chicago Style).

you should use one of the sources and one outside source:

Hanh, Thich Nhat, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, Parallax Press, 1998. ISBN 978-0-767-90369-1

Page 184-213

Powers, John. “Chapter 4: Tibetology with Chinese Characteristics”. In The Buddha Party: How the People’s Republic of China Works to Define and Control Tibetan Buddhism. Oxford University Press (2017), pp. 130-170.

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