write a short 2 3 page paper 2


You have started to identify the resources that will be necessary to operate your new organization. Now we are going to move on to the capital side of the project. Capital funds are generally raised from people who have different styles and they are represented in the historical pattern of gift giving. However, there is foundations who specifically exclude gifts to capital campaigns or to buildings.

In the organization that you are going to create, what are the capital requirements you are anticipating may be needed for start-up and the first three years of operation of the organization you create? Identify at least three potential sources and the reason you think they may be attracted to fund your organization.

Assignment Requirements

  • Thoughtfully address all points in 2-3 pages; however, it should be completed in less than five pages. You may have attachments in addition if there are materials that will be helpful in supporting your vision.
  • Cover page and reference lists are required. All papers should be double spaced, 12 point font, with 1” margins on all four sides. Original work only, any questions contact me ASAP.
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