ethics case analysis 3

PART I: Read about Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical dilemmas in the workplace are common. Ethical dilemmas are found in all aspects of an organization, especially concerning employment practices, equal employment opportunity, environmental policy, and corruption. For example, consider the following workplace situation. You are working in teams at your organization. Your team members do not contribute equally to the final product. Should those employees who have pulled their weight on the project inform the supervisor that some team members did not do their fair share of the work? What are the benefits of informing your supervisor? What are the risks? You may believe that telling your supervisor could lead to coworker mistrust and resentment. However, you also believe it is not fair if all employees are believed to have contributed equally to the report. Do you speak up or keep quiet and have all employees receive praise? How would you resolve this dilemma to your satisfaction? Please click on the introduction link and read more about ethical dilemmas:

Introduction: Ethical Dilemmas in Business

PART II: Read about the Case

We have included the following case study of an ethical dilemma to stimulate thought and discussion regarding ethical decision making in organizations. The major goal of this case analysis is to integrate research and theories about which you have learned in your graduate program and apply them toward a real-life business dilemma. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the case study in detail before you begin writing your analysis. We also ask that you be honest in your analysis, avoiding any personal issues and opinions about the organization and individuals involved. Your analysis should be analytical, not descriptive. This assignment will meet your course objective: “Justify decisions by evaluating the social, ethical, and legal implications for business organizations.” Now, read about the case you will be analyzing:

Ethics: The Case Study

Now that you have read the case, please keep the following points in mind while writing your analysis:

  • Familiarize yourself with the ethical dilemma faced by Mr. Markham.
  • Write down the background information about which you learned in the case, including the industry, Mr. Markham’s job, his professional organizations.
  • What is the basic function of the organization? Marketing? Human resources? Finance?
  • Outline the specific decision Mr. Markham needs to make.
  • Identify alternatives open to Mr. Markham.
  • Determine the urgency of the ethical dilemma.

Go to PART III: Case Analysis and Write Up for specific requirements to be included in your analysis.

PART III: Case Analysis and Write Up

Finally, for your Case Analysis; answer the following:

  1. What are the main issues in this case study?
  2. What are the alternatives with which Mr. Markham must select? Be sure to discuss relevant laws, codes, standards, and regulations.
  3. Why are these alternatives significant for Mr. Markham to consider?
  4. What alternative do you believe Mr. Markham should select? Offer your rationale for your selection.
  5. Consider the following: Rather than Mr. Markham confronting this dilemma; it is you in the protagonist role. Would you offer a different resolution to the dilemma? Why or why not?

Things to Remember!

✓ Write a scholarly paper of 3-5 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Include at least 4 resources.
✓ Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, with APA-formatted (6th ed.) in-text citations and references for all resources.

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