research outline annotated

Based on the topic you selected in Module 2, you will conduct research using the Excelsior College Virtual Library and complete an outline and annotated bibliography for your research project.

Your outline should provide enough detail so that it can be used to guide the writing of your final project paper. It should include section headings and all the key/main points that you plan to address in your research project. Use proper APA format when preparing your outline.

Once you have conducted sufficient research to obtain material for your selected topic, compile these research materials into an annotated bibliography. This annotated bibliography must identify at least three different resources (not including your course textbook), such as peer-reviewed articles from accounting journals, magazines, and other scholarly sources. Your annotated bibliography provides you the opportunity to evaluate those sources you plan to use for your final research project paper and to provide a few sentences discussing what the material covers and how it will be used. Use proper APA format when preparing your annotated bibliography.

Your annotated bibliography must contain the following two components:

  • References (sources)
  • A brief written evaluation (summary) of each source. This short paragraph evaluates and summarizes your references. When evaluating and selecting your references, consider the following questions: Are the author’s sources credible for your topic? Is the information in the article useful? Why or why not? How are you going to use the information in the article to increase the effectiveness of your paper?

HINT: Be specific in discussing how you plan to use the information and what information you plan to use.

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