classroom management strategies that promote inclusion in special education classrooms 1

Complete a research project on a topic of your choice, related to theory and/or practice but specifically incorporating your observations of teaching and learning throughout the semester, typed in a 12-point font, with 1” margins, and use APA format for citations, with a minimum length of 2000 words (maximum 3000 words) excluding a cover page and references. Minimum 10 peer-reviewed references included in the paper. Must make connections between observations, educational theories, and research subject.

The final research paper should follow the following outline (in as many paragraphs needed). No other headings are required..

An Introductory section (minimum one paragraph):

  1. Why the topic matters in the educational community. Define the scope (a District? Texas? USA? The World?) – and overview three important dimensions to this topic that you are going to discuss in this paper. Note: You probably won’t know what these dimensions are until you’ve compiled at least some of your observation and research notes.
  2. Why the topic matters to you as a human being and/or is relevant to you as a future teacher?
  3. A summary of the research you consulted and why you selected the research pathways that you did to find out more about your topic (datasets overview) – not a writing process description.
  4. THE THREE KEY IDEAS or DIMENSIONS of your topic that your paper is going to explore.

The Analysis section, which offers a detailed discussion of your topic:

  1. Important dimension/theme #1 to this topic, drawing evidence from your observation notes, the peer-reviewed research that you found, and from your personal experiences
  2. Important dimension/theme #2 to this topic, drawing evidence from your observation notes, the peer-reviewed research that you found, and from your personal experiences
  3. Important dimension/theme #3 to this topic, drawing evidence from your observation notes, the peer-reviewed research that you found, and from your personal experiences

The important point here is that each section of your paper draws on your experiences, your observations, and the research that you have found.

Much more information about doing this will be available in the Research Paper Tips for Writing powerpoint and other sources we will discuss.

In the concluding section, you should reiterate why your chosen topic is important, and indicate areas worth further study – in other words, questions that you still have about your topic..

I have included obeservational notes and possible peer-reviewed articles to be used in the paper.


ALSO, I started an outline, its not very good, and does not have to be the outline for the actual paper, it is just to reference for possible ideas

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