complete a swot analysis 2

In this assignment, you will create a SWOT analysis. This analysis will be based on the healthcare system or organization you chose to feature in your final plan. A template for completing the SWOT analysis is provided in this week’s resources.

After the template is complete, create a document containing a brief three-paragraph reflection to support the rationale for each area of the SWOT analysis.

Length: 1 SWOT template (PowerPoint), 2- to 3-page reflection, not including title and reference pages

Resources: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources to support your assignment.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented this week. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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Rubric Name: Common Grading Rubric – 10 Points


Completed few parts of the assignment and/or did not address many questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed some parts of the assignment and/or did not address several questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed all required parts of the assignment and addressed most of the questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

Completed all required parts of the assignment and addressed all questions/tasks posed in the assignment instructions or assignment prompt.

No evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

No evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were generally not thoughtful, thorough, or well-reasoned.

Little evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Little evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were occasionally thoughtful and/or may not have been thorough or well-reasoned

Some evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Some evidence of analysis of assignment content.

Responses were mostly thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned.

Strong evidence of knowledge and understanding of assignment content.

Detailed evidence of analysis of assignment concept.

Responses were thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned

Resources are not scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of poor quality and/or not appropriate for the assignment.

Some resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of good quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Most resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed; and/or were of good quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Resources are scholarly and/or peer-reviewed and were of excellent quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.

Numerous misspelled words and grammatical errors.

APA formatting not used.

Frequently misspells words and/or makes consistent grammatical errors.

Numerous APA formatting issues.

Occasionally misspells words and/or some grammatical errors.

Minor APA formatting issues.

No or very few misspelled words and/or no or very few grammatical errors.

No APA formatting issues

Overall Score

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