research discussion reply 1

please respond to the following two post 109 words one reference

Juan Carlos Velasquez

Week 12 Juan Velasquez

For my research I am focusing on patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis and the impact this has on the caregivers. About 40% of the U.S. population >60 years of age has CKD . And, the number of elderly patients who receive ESRD treatment has been rapidly increasing. Currently, nearly one in five prevalent ESRD patients are of age 65–74, and 16% are of age 75 or older. These numbers can be expected to increase further as the population ages; it is projected that the number of individuals >65 years will increase from 35 million in 2000 to 70 million in 2030 (Charina Gayomali, 2008). Caregiver burnout is a real problem in United States and around the world. With more and more cut back in hospital patients are being discharged with home duties to provide care for the loved ones. Burden is definable subjectively and objectively. Objective burden is defined as the changes and disruptions appeared in life as a result of care. Subjective burden definition is the reaction or attitude of caregiver against care experience (Mashayekhi. F. Pilevarzadeh. M, 2015). I belies some f the challenges I will encounter in obtaining samples will be, time, acceptances of the caregivers to be shadowed in their own home, and being able to connect with the caregivers and dialysis patients to open up and disclose there true thoughts and feelings. Participation in research is voluntary. A well-planned, culturally sensitive (stretching the term culture to include people of different ages, genders, health statuses, and incomes, as well as races and ethnic group memberships) recruitment effort is needed to find and enroll willing volunteers (Tappen, 2015). I will need to have a well prepared marketing plan to be able to fins the suitable participants. Once this is accomplished a very detailed interviews with both patient and caregiver separately will need to be done, to be able to accept or reject the participants. My main emphasize will be on build a trusting and caring relationships to be able to collect accurate data.


Suri, R. S., Larive, B., Garg, A. X., Hall, Y. N., Pierratos, A., Chertow, G. M., … FHN Study Group (2011). Burden on caregivers as perceived by hemodialysis patients in the Frequent Hemodialysis Network (FHN) trials. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association, 26(7), 2316–2322. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfr007

Mashayekhi, F., Pilevarzadeh, M., & Rafati, F. (2015). THE ASSESSMENT OF CAREGIVER BURDEN IN CAREGIVERS OF HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS. Materia socio-medica, 27(5), 333–336. doi:10.5455/msm.2015.27.333-336

Mallappallil, M., Friedman, E. A., Delano, B. G., McFarlane, S. I., & Salifu, M. O. (2014). Chronic kidney disease in the elderly: evaluation and management. Clinical practice (London, England), 11(5), 525–535. doi:10.2217/cpr.14.46

Tappen, R. M. (2015). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Mercedes Carmona

Week 12


Week 12

Mercedes Carmona

Nursing Research

Among all adult residents of the facility in the research admitted to the ICU over a 1-year period. The most appropriate population would be critically ill patients ages 18 and over. I would assess the following: ICU, hospital, 30-day, and 180-day mortality rates; ICU and hospital lengths-of-stay; Post-hospital use of hospital care, ICU care, outpatient physician care, medications, and home care; and Post-hospital residence location.

The data will be stratified by age, sex, and separate categories of health status. The challenges in obtaining a sample from this population is consent since these patients are in critical condition and consent needs to be obtained from next-of-kin. I can address the challenges by recruiting patients and drafting an education brochure explaining the benefits of the study and the participation expectations.

Essential III, Quality Improvement and Safety, notes that quality improvement is emphasized through leadership and collaboration. Nurse leaders collaborate with staff and agencies to build tools that support quality improvement efforts. Through the development of methods, structured processes, and organizational guidelines, the nurse will be able to apply quality measures to every day nursing practice.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2016). About AACN. Retrieved from:

Bounds, M., Kram, S., Speroni, K. G., Brice, K., Luschinski, M. A., Harte, S., & Daniel, M. G. (2016). Effect of ABCDE bundle implementation on prevalence of delirium in intensive care unit patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 25(6), 535-544.

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