ps430 program design and evaluation unit 4 assignment

Assignment Details

Your Learning Activity will review the application of applied behavior analysis (ABA) in organizations. It will help refresh your memory about appropriate application of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) in preparation for your Unit 4 Assignment.

After completing the unit readings, complete this Learning Activity. You will begin to connect what you know about applying behavior principles to individuals and apply the same concepts to behaviors within organizations. Completing this Learning Activity will help test your knowledge on this important unit material.

Once you have successfully completed the Learning Activity, move on to complete the Unit 4 Assignment PowerPoint Presentation.

Unit 4 PowerPoint® Presentation

In this assignment, you will play the role of a behavior-consulting intern. You are working as a behavior consulting intern for Acme, Inc. Your company is taking on a new client, Shoreside Community-Based Residential Facility. You will prepare a presentation consisting of a narrated Power Point addressing the following scenario.

Scenario: Shoreside Community-Based Residential Facility

Shoreside would like your company to provide consultation in their unit for adults with traumatic brain injury. Shoreside management and staff have expressed a concern over increasing rates of disruptive behavior during community outings and have had little success with their current interventions. They believe they may need assistance with staff training and behavior management techniques.

The company uses some Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with their clients but has never used ABA at an organizational level. The Director recently learned about Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) and wants to know more about how basic concepts of ABA could be used at Shoreside. The Director of Shoreside believes this would be an effective way to address the problems within the organization.

You have been tasked with conducting a preliminary assessment using the first few steps of the problem-solving model: Pinpointing and Measurement, as well as providing an overview of what the process will look like at Shoreside. Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to management and staff to provide more information about OBM and how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in the organization. Additionally, Shoreside is skeptical that the same principles they use with their clients could be applied to staff within the organization.

Using what you have learned about OBM and fundamental principles of behavior, you must create a narrated PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 12 slides) consisting of the following:

  1. Provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM):
    • Define and describe OBM.
    • Identify and describe at least one specific application of OBM that is applicable to the above organization.
  2. Provide an overview of the problem-solving process:
    • Describe the steps of a behavior analytic problem-solving model for organizations.
    • Identify the role that individuals within organizations hold in relation to the successful planning and implementation of interventions.
    • Describe how problems are prioritized and addressed.
  3. Define and describe fundamental principles of behavior and provide examples of how this is applied on an organizational level. Use non-technical language, when possible, so that all those attending the meeting understand your discussion:
    • Reinforcement and punishment
      1. Define positive and negative reinforcement and punishment.
      2. Provide general examples illustrating the principles.
  4. Utilize the ABC Model and conduct a PIC/NIC analysis for one behavior using the following information from an observation at shoreside:

Shoreside Observation # 1 – 10/10/10, 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.; Location: Grocery Store Community Outing

Five clients were taken into a grocery store with 2 staff members and a group leader. One client started engaging in grabbing items off the shelf and yelling. Staff member #1 immediately yelled at the client, which is not the correct protocol reviewed by the behavior analyst prior to the outing. The Group Leader saw this and then turned away and began talking to Staff member #2. Staff member #2 gave attention to another client for asking to look at items before picking them up. The Group Leader was observed to be holding his phone and scrolling through social media throughout the remainder of the outing.

  • ABC (PIC/NIC) Analysis
    • Provide one example of a PIC/NIC analysis for Shoreside utilizing the following table in your presentation to organize the information.






The problem performance (occurring now): List the staff behavior for change here

The desired performance: List the desired staff behavior here

  • Reinforcement and Punishment
    • Describe the result of the PIC/NIC analysis.
    • Discuss the roles of positive and negative reinforcement.

5. Identify 1 pinpoint for change at Shoreside and identify the measurement to be used.

  • Include an operational definition for the staff behavior to be changed.
  • Describe how behavior will be measured by selecting a measurement type, i.e., frequency, duration, and how the data will be collected.

6. Introduce the next steps in the problem-solving process:

  • Provide a general overview of the problem-solving process
  • Include a research question related to a potential intervention based on the pinpoint identified.
  • Describe why using a behavior analytic approach on all levels of the organization is preferred over a non-scientific approach and how the principles of ABA can be used to improve performance in organizations.

Narrated Power Point:

  • Create a 5–10-minute presentation by narrating your Power Point slides. Your narration should share key ideas expanding on the bullet points located on each of your Power Point slides.
  • Write your speaking points from your narration of your presentation in the notes section for each corresponding slide.
  • Draw from the course material and briefly elaborate on the concepts covered in each slide.
  • Presentation should be a high quality and professional presentation that would be presented by a behavior analyst in the given scenario.

Your PowerPoint presentation should have an APA Style title page and reference page. The sources of the information used in the preparation of your presentation should be cited with in-text citations in APA Style and should be reflected on your reference page.

Your PowerPoint should be a minimum of 12 slides in length, not including title and reference pages, include proper APA formatting (including properly formatted headings for each section of your plan), and include at least two academic references (including your course text)

Please access the PowerPoint tutorial if you need to learn about PowerPoint presentations.

Submit your Assignment to the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.

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