dance appreciation 6

This assignment is divided into two parts.

part 1:

1) What are some dance and dance-related careers that you can think of, OTHER than the ones mentioned in this chapter? Briefly introduce them. (approx. 5 sentences)

ex: dance adviser, performance director, background dancer and an entrepreneur of dance by starting own business, dancers that travel to do shows for workshops or entertainment, a tour manager is needed to help assist in the planning, organization and business in handling a tour for a group of dancers.

part 2: approx. 200 words

watch a video and answer the following questions in one paragraph.

“Rite of Spring”

Choreography by Pina Bausch

Performed by Tanztheater Wuppertal

1) Watch the video and discuss what impressions this piece of choreography gave you?

2) What mood does it set?

3) Describe any movements that standout to you and why?

4) Do you think this piece is abstract or narrative and why?

5) Can you connect anything we have been learning in class with what you see in this video?

(responses should be 6-8 sentences and in paragraph format)

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