Needs Assessment:

Needs Assessment:

A brainstorming session was conducted during this meeting. We first discussing the issues that we felt were top problems and areas that the Emergency Department needed to improve on.  I shared my screen with all stakeholders so that we could put our ideas in writing for all of us to see,  to organize and agree on the HIP. This was done one at a time allowing each stakeholder the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in a round robin fashion. Once ideas were generated by the team, they were each discussed individually to determine the importance of the proposed project idea. This step allows all members of the stakeholder group to understand the concept and idea that has been proposed. Some of the items discussed that needed improvement for the ED included improved PRN effectiveness documentation, decreasing falls, employment engagement, nursing retention, and improvement in Sepsis recognition in the Emergency Department. These have all been identified as issues within out unit. Improvement in many of these category’s lead to decreased length of stay and increased patient satisfaction. These categories also can be linked to cost savings for both the organization and the patients. Ideas were ranked by the group in order of importance. The team determined at the beginning of the needs assessment that the HIP would be determined when all stakeholders agreed on the most relevant idea for noted improvement in the ED.

The stakeholders as a whole consensus agreed that early Sepsis identification on arrival to the ED would be the healthcare improvement plan that we wanted to focus on. On our written board, we brainstormed ideas that contributed to decreases sepsis identification. These were categorized into groups. These groups  included lack of nursing protocols being initiated, inadequate triage techniques, and miscommunication. All ideas were placed under appropriate categories.  The common theme that was identified with our Affinity Analysis was the need for modification of the triage process. We were able to identify literature to support improvements in triage processes. This will help to identify possible sepsis patients on arrival to the Emergency Department to improve overall outcomes for both the patient and facility.

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