Applying compassion as a personal strength to support the plan

Can you help with applying compassion as a personal strength to support the plan to address the situation in this scenario.


The assistant nurse manager knew one of her staff nurses from the time that they were young and before the time that they were nurses. They had been friends for 17 years. The staff nurse decided that she was going to take a new position and would be leaving their current unit. They had not always worked together and when the assistant nurse manager began working with her friend, they were co-workers. She later was promoted into the assistant nurse manager position. When her friend Shanna decided to leave the Emergency Department, the assistant nurse manager decided that they needed to throw a party for her as she had worked there for years. She spoke with other staff members about the party and even brought a cake on her last day. When it was brought to the attention of the nurse manager, she expressed her concerns regarding the party that was thrown for the nurse. The nurse manager reported that this was not an appropriate thing to do as a supervisor. She explained to the assistant nurse manager that it could be considered by other staff members as favoritism. She told her that she had to be fair and equitable with all the staff. The nurse manager said “last week, did you do the same for the other nurse that took a new position? How do you think that other nurse felt knowing that you planned a party for Shanna, but you did not do the same for her?” 



She had only looked at the situation as a friend and not as a supervisor. She told the nurse manager that in the future she would have the staff work together to plan parties as a group for special occasions so not to hurt anyone’s feelings or show favoritism in the department. She had not thought of how it would be perceived by other staff members.

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