What is the the evidence strength and evidence hierarchy for this articles: 

What is the the evidence strength and evidence hierarchy for this articles:

Son, H., Ross, A., Mendoza-Tirado, E., & Lee, L. J. (2022). Virtual reality in clinical practice and research: viewpoint on novel applications for nursing. JMIR nursing, 5(1), e34036. https://nursing.jmir.org/2022/1/e34036/


Nelson-Brantley, H. V., Bailey, K. D., Batcheller, J., Caramanica, L., Lyman, B., & Snow, F. (2020). Disruptive innovation: impact for practice, policy, and academia. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration50(2), 63-65. https://journals.lww.com/jonajournal/Fulltext/2020/02000/Disruptive_Innovation__Impact_for_Practice,.3.aspx


Turner, M. (2018). If It Is Newsworthy, It Is Ethics-Worthy: Living in the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Creative Nursing24(3), 143-151. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1891/1946-6560.24.3.143


Fuller, R., & Hansen, A. (2019). Disruption ahead: Navigating and leading the future of nursing. Nursing administration quarterly43(3), 212-221. https://journals.lww.com/naqjournal/Fulltext/2019/07000/Disruption_Ahead__Navigating_and_Leading_the.5.aspx?fbclid=IwAR20XwQj56oJwhjTcW9GWkFiNRbIU9PxcfOnxn43Yb5B_b_bmy2V_79AJNQ

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