Mr. Marx is a 58 year old male with a past medical history of occasional heartburn and osteoarthritis presented to the clinic with complaints of mid epigastric pain.

Mr. Marx is a 58 year old male with a past medical history of occasional heartburn and osteoarthritis presented to the clinic with complaints of mid epigastric pain. The patient states that pain is better with food and when he takes his Tums but is worse when he has an empty stomach or is hungry. In the ROS, the patient also reports that his stools have been a little darker lately, but he denies any vomiting, or diarrhea. Patient does admit to taking Ibuprofen daily to help with his arthritis pain.

2b. The physical exam was significant for mildly tender epigastric area, fecal occult blood test was positive for blood in the stool. What other tests might you recommend?

2c. What are your treatment recommendations?

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