What do you know about Improvement & Development in Maternity Care?

What do you know about Improvement & Development in Maternity Care? How has Advances in Research affected maternity Care? Use of Critical Pathways, select all that apply Healthy People 2020: Focus Areas, see Box 1-4, select all that apply Be familiar with the Steps Nursing Process Assessment Data Collection/Nurse Patient Relationship What do you know about Implementation? Chapter 2 Be familiar with the term Blended Family Cultural Competency as it relates to the nurse Be familiar with Community-Based Programs What is the goal of Community-Based Nursing/Educator? Community-Based Nursing/Give example of Primary Intervention Community-Based Nursing/Secondary prevention/Example Community-Based Nursing/Tertiary Prevention/Example Home Health Care Population Challenge of Community-Based Nursing/Focus Chapter 3 Internal Reproductive System Male/Accessory Glands, two questions Female Reproductive System External/Vestibule Female Reproductive System Internal/Uterine Isthmus Uterine Cycle/Proliferation Phase What do you know about Cervical Mucus Changes? Chapter 4 Know the Nursing Procedure 4-1: Assisting with Collection of a Pap Smear/Sequence What do you know about Pap Smear as a screening Tool? Be able to define Menorrhea What is the Treatment for PMS? Family Teaching Tips/Safe Condom Use Be familiar with Signs of Complications with Oral Contraceptive, see Box 4-5 Chapter 5 Gender Determination, two questions, also see Figure 5-5 What do you know about the Embryonic Stage? Fetal Circulation/Foramen Ovale Be familiar with Teratogenic Agents, also see Table 5-5 Environmental Teratogens, select all that apply Multifetal pregnancy/terminology


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