A 3-year-old child presents to the emergency department with his parents due to fever for 3 days, “looking weak and not his active self,”

A 3-year-old child presents to the emergency department with his parents due to fever for 3 days, “looking weak and not his active self,” vomiting three times, and refusing to drink water or juices for the past 12 hours. The parent also reports that the child had no wet diapers for the past 8 hours. Home treatment included administration of acetaminophen syrup before the child started vomiting. The child has no significant medical or surgical history and no allergies to foods and drugs. The health care provider orders stat testing for white blood cell count, differential count, platelet count, C-reactive protein, serum sodium, serum potassium, and urinalysis. Highlight the client findings that are of immediate concern to the nurse.

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