Complete these Stress Mastery question based on your experience, knowledge, or sources. Explain in as much detail as possible.

Complete these Stress Mastery question based on your experience, knowledge, or sources. Explain in as much detail as possible.


  • Practice deep rhythmic breathing from the diaphragm for five minutes a day. Focus your attention on your deep breathing. Remember to breathe deeply from your diaphragm.
  • Once you feel as if deep diaphragmatic breathing is a part of you, then try adding stretching and progressive muscle relaxation to your day/week. You can also include exercising and yoga as well.
  • Record your thoughts, feelings, sensations, experiences, and your progress of practicing and then mastering deep breathing and the other stress mastery techniques. (As in how the technique or exercise you did made you feel from how it impacted your mood/what you were doing before you started or after.)


List 13 examples/days of in depth thoughts, feelings, sensations, experiences, and your progress of practicing and then mastering deep breathing and the other stress mastery techniques. (As in how the technique or exercise you did made you feel from how it impacted your mood/what you were doing before you started or after.)

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