Would Benjamin Franklin still be effective as a leader today?

1.Would Benjamin Franklin still be effective as a leader today?

2. locate a primary source written by Benjamin Franklin. It could be a diary entry, speech, political pamphlet, or newspaper article.

3. conduct research using secondary sources on Benjamin Franklin, the primary source, and whether or not Bemjamin Franklin would be effective today.

4. Basic biographical information on Benjamin Franklin.

5. relevant contextual information for the primary source.

6. key summary points for the primary source.

7. Brief analysis of the primary source and how it relates or does not relate to today.

8. argument defending your conclusion on whether Benjamin Franklin would be effective as a leader today or not.

9. defense of your conclusion, including counteragruments and your rebuttal

10. works cited.

11. Benjamin Franklin, and what primary source will you be studying?

12. initial analysis of primary source. the summary and key points based on close reading of the primary source.

13. minimum 4 sources that will give insight on Benjamin Franklin, format for taking notes that will work well for each source.

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