A Good Man Follow Up

Today we discussed two authorial choices: irony and characterization. (Please refer to these links for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-lDvHT2QyQ Links to an external site. and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6e0oNVx8Uk

Links to an external site.)

In relation to Flannery O’Connor’s short story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, please answer the following two questions and submit by 9:50 pm this evening:

1) Identify two moments in this short story where O’Connor makes use of verbal irony. Describe the moment and use textual evidence (direct quotes) to support your examples of verbal irony.

2) Identify two characters you believe are unreliable narrators. Why are they unreliable? Explain as thoroughly as you can why they are unreliable and provide textual evidence (direct quotes) to support your claim.

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