What important idea or theme does this literary work convey? Think about the topics of some of your discussion responses. What questions do they raise about human nature?

ENC 1102

Theme Analysis Essay1

 theme analysis essay on one of the short stories we have read. You

need a clear introduction with thesis statement, body paragraphs that support your

thesis, and a conclusion. Your thesis should state an argument about the theme of the

short story on which you are writing.


Questions for Theme Analysis2

1. What important idea or theme does this literary work convey? Think about the

topics of some of your discussion responses. What questions do they raise about

human nature?

2. What do characters do that help illustrate this idea?

3. What do characters say that help to illustrate this idea?

4. What events take place in the work that help to illustrate this idea?

5. Are there any recurrent images or clusters of images? Do these images support

the idea or theme that you find in the work?

6. What does the narrator say that helps to illustrate this idea?

Stories you can write about:

• “The Story of an Hour”

• “Desiree’s Baby”

• “The Black Cat”

• “Young Goodman Brown”

• “Rip Van Winkle”

• “A Rose for Emily”

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