The Mars Science Laboratory, which landed on the surface of Mars in August 2012, is equipped with several fascinating science instruments.

1. Topic sentence: The Mars Science Laboratory, which landed on the surface of Mars in August 2012, is equipped with several fascinating science instruments.


Which of the following sentences do not support the topic sentence? Check all that apply.

A. Two other robotic vehicles landed on the surface of Mars in the summer of 2003.

B. Many of the world’s space agencies are considering manned missions to Mars in the future.

C. Perhaps the laboratory’s most fascinating instrument is a laser that vaporizes Martian rocks so that their content can be analyzed.

D. An imaging device on the laboratory takes extreme close-up pictures of rocks and soil.

E. The laboratory also has an instrument that detects radiation and helps assess the planet’s ability to harbor life.


2. Body Paragraph 1Before changing your diet, you should make sure that you are switching to one based on nutritional research versus popular ideas. One common dieting myth is that some foods have “negative calories,” meaning that digesting the food burns more calories than the food itself contains. In some magazines, I have seen women encouraged to eat such foods. These foods often don’t sound appetizing to eat. Some people eat these foods to lose weight; they think their bodies will use up a greater percentage of calories to digest these than their bodies would use to digest other foods. In fact, some people believe celery burns so many calories that they can actually get thinner by eating it, which must be too good to be true.


Body Paragraph 1 does/ does not support the topic sentence effectively?


Which revisions would include more supporting information or evidence? Check all that apply.


A. This paragraph does not need more evidence.

B. Refer to research that debunks “negative calories.”

C. Provide an example of a food, such as celery, and break down the facts about calorie intake versus calories burned during digestion.

D. Provide the personal experience of someone who had a negative experience while on a “negative calorie” diet.

E. Quote a magazine article about the benefits of exercise.


3. Body Paragraph 2Another common myth is that brown foods are better for you. In fact, there are a lot of foods that are brown because of food dye. So, brown foods won’t always make you lose weight. You must be eating the right kinds of brown foods to get the health benefits.


Body Paragraph 2 does/ does not support the topic sentence effectively?


Which revisions would include more supporting information or evidence? Check all that apply.


A. Provide examples of brown foods that do have health benefits.

B. This paragraph does not need more evidence.

C. Reemphasize that not all brown foods are healthy.

D. Refer to a study that shows the benefits of certain types of brown food.

E. Give data on the chemicals used in junk food.


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