Week 3 Assignment: Research Log Activity, Part I

This week, you will begin research for your Signature Assignment on the Profile of a Graduate, due in Week 9. The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore the characteristics our institution expects of everyone who graduates from WCU.

For this week’s assignment:

  1. Review the Profile of a Graduate Download Profile of a Graduatedocument.
  2. Choose two characteristics to focus your research on.
  3. Download the Research Log form Download Research Log formto use as you begin your research.
  4. Using library resources and research techniques, complete rows on page 1 of the form for at least two sources related to your first chosen characteristic.
  5. You will leave page 2 blank for now.
  6. Add a reference in APA Style to the last page of the form for each source you listed on page 1.
  7. Visit the LibGuide for this assignment if you need help!
  8. Save your completed form as “Research Log MyFirstInitialLastName TodaysDate.”
  9. Upload your completed form to this assignment and submit.
  10. You will use your completed form again, later in the course, so be sure to save it in where you can find it later!

Full Signature Assignment (due Week 9) instructions

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