PNS202 Dropbox Assignment Week 10 – Nursing  Care Plan Example

 PNS202 Dropbox Assignment Week 10 – Nursing  Care Plan Example

Learner’s Name:  J. Otto, RN   Date Due:  12/10/23

Patient’s Initials:  L. K.    Room #:  3319   Age: 52 Medical DiagnosisAsthma

                                                  NANDA Nursing Diagnosis

Assessment Data:

O –

O – T 99.1 F orally, P – 98, RR – 20, BP 142/82 mmHg, SpO2 94% on R/A

O – Integument:

S – Pain R

Nursing Diagnosis:


(NOTE to student:  NO AEB S & O data in ND statement b/c is a “Risk for” problem)

(NOTE to student:  You are to do only Actual problems in your NCP, not “Risk for” problems)

                                                            Patient Goal

(“Patient will”, “as evidenced by”)

Short-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes:

end of the teaching session this shift.

Long-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes:



                                              Nursing Interventions and Rationales

1.  Assess







                                Evaluation of Short-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes

Short-Term Goal:






Ackley, B. & Ladwig, G. (2020).   Nursing diagnosis handbook.  An evidence-based guide to          planning care    (12 Ed.). St. Louis:  Elsevier.

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