A company examined individual employees who could serve as leader for a very sensitive project that had the potential to be controversial.

A company examined individual employees who could serve as leader for a very sensitive project that had the potential to be controversial. The company finally identified the individual who possessed the knowledge needed to produce the desired results. Which type of power was emphasized during the search for a leader? A. Legitimate B. Coercive C. Information D. Reward 46. A manager requests additional funding to develop a targeted campaign in an effort to increase sales in the coming quarter. Which managerial core role is this manager assuming? A. Interpersonal B. Informational C. Decisional D. Relational 47. A manager has been working with a leader in the company to improve the level of emotional intelligence (El) used in challenging situations. The leader poses a real-life scenario and has the manager respond. Afterward, the leader discusses the choices made and how the manager’s responses can be improved to show a higher level of El. Which strategy is the leader using to assist this manager? A. Journaling B. Survey C. Behavioral event interviews D. Simulation feedback 48. Which technique is being used when an individual focuses on one specific object to help direct thoughts away from others’ judgments, personal actions, or engagement in activity? A. Self-reflection B. Journaling C. Feedback D. Meditation 49. A chief executive officer (CEO) launches a company-wide effort to clean up the local rivers. Which term describes the CEO’s actions? A. Fiscal responsibility B. Corporate transparency C. Greenwashing D. Social responsibility

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