After watching the first two videos and viewing the document below, think about GRIT: growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity.

Respond to ONE option below. In addition to your main response, you must also post responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your response and replies to your peers may be either text-based or a video created using Panopto.

Option 1: Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member? Yourself? Write a two- to three-paragraph letter or produce a two- to three-minute video speaking to the person who is motivating you. Tell them about your current life as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, related to school and your career.


Option 2: After watching the first two videos and viewing the document below, think about GRIT: growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity. Which of these characteristics do you feel you embody the most? Why? Which do you feel is currently the biggest challenge for you? Keeping these four characteristics in mind, what is your first impression of Hannah? Do you think she embodies GRIT? What is Hannah’s current mindset?

View an introduction to HannahLinks to an external site.

View Week 1 videoLinks to an external site.

View Week 2 videoLinks to an external site.

Download View GRIT document

Your responses to your peers should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by the classmates.

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