Calculate the force needed to provide an initial upward acceleration of 40m/s’ to a 0.4-kg rocket.

Calculate the force needed to provide an initial upward acceleration of 40m/s’ to a 0.4-kg rocket. 2. A pressure is measured to be a vacuum of 23kPa at a location in Mandaluyong where the elevation is 3000m. What is the absolute pressure? 3. Using the absolute pressure in Mandaluyong, what is the value in millimeters of mercury? 4. A fluid mass occupies 2m . Calculate the density, specific weight, and specific gravity if the fluid mass is: a.) 4kg b.) 8kg c.) 15kg 5. A U-tube manometer measures the pressure in an air pipe to be 10cm of water. Calculate the pressure in the pipe. Determine the depth of a liquid needed to create a pressure difference of 225kPa if the liquid is: a.) Water b.) Mercury c.) oil with SG=0.86 7. A lead cube has a total mass of 80kg. What is the length of its side? Specific gravity of lead=11.3 8. The pressure at the nose of a small airplane is given by P = =pVz where p is the density of air. A U-tube manometer measures 10cm of water. Determine the airplane’s speed if it is flying at an altitude of: a.) 10m b.) 4000m C.) 6000m 9. A U-tube manometer is connected to a pipe for measuring the pressure of oil SG=0.92 flowing in the pipeline. Mercury (SG=13.6) is used as manometer liquid and the difference of mercury level in the two limbs is 160mm. The center of pipe is 80mm below the level of mercury in the right limb. Determine the pressure in the pipeline and the head. 80 mm 160 mm

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