Reflecting on classical or operant conditioning, consider how these principles shape our everyday behaviors and experiences. 

Reflecting on classical or operant conditioning, consider how these principles shape our everyday behaviors and experiences. 

  • Share examples from your life, or observations in a society, where classical or operant conditioning mechanisms are evident. 
  • How do these principles influence learning and behavior modification in various contexts, such as education, marketing, or therapy? 
  • Discuss the implications of classical and operant conditioning for understanding human behavior and the potential applications in enhancing learning outcomes or addressing behavioral challenges. 
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Do some research and find some interesting, or even funny, examples of spurious correlation.

Complete your required discussion prompt:

You may have heard it said before that “correlation does not imply causation.” This can also be called spurious correlation, which is defined as a correlation between two variables that does not result from a direct relationship between them. Instead, it results from the variables’ relationship to other variables. One example is the relationship between crime and ice cream sales. Ice cream sales and crime rates are highly correlated. However, ice cream sales do not cause crime; instead, it is both variables’ relationship to weather and temperature.

Do some research and find some interesting, or even funny, examples of spurious correlation. Share, cite your source, and discuss. Why is this an example of spurious correlation?  How do you know?

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In the final sceneLinks to an external site. from Hannah’s educational journey,


Option 2: In the final sceneLinks to an external site. from Hannah’s educational journey, we see she has learned to face a challenge by forming an action plan (in this particular case, an action plan for building a bigger chicken coop, adding chickens, and acquiring a truck).

  • In your educational journey, what kind of action plan have you formed?
  • Can you list the steps and stages of your plan (like Hannah’s chicken coop plan)?
  • Which elements of your plan come from your course work, and which from your life experience?
  • Do you have a timeline for the plan?
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Which topic from the Readings and Resources related to stress and life balance resonate with you the most this week?

Respond to ONE option below. In addition to your main response, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your response and replies to your peers may be either text-based or a video created using Panopto.

Option 1: Watch this videoLinks to an external site. and consider this week’s Readings and Resources.

  • Which topic from the Readings and Resources related to stress and life balance resonate with you the most this week?
  • Provide an example and explain how the strategies presented in the video will help you to be successful.
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Reflecting on classical or operant conditioning, consider how these principles shape our everyday behaviors and experiences. 

Reflecting on classical or operant conditioning, consider how these principles shape our everyday behaviors and experiences. 

  • Share examples from your life, or observations in a society, where classical or operant conditioning mechanisms are evident. 
  • How do these principles influence learning and behavior modification in various contexts, such as education, marketing, or therapy? 
  • Discuss the implications of classical and operant conditioning for understanding human behavior and the potential applications in enhancing learning outcomes or addressing behavioral challenges. 
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Audience Analysis Cereal Box Activity

Just as breakfast is important to start the day, so is audience analysis for starting your speech preparation. For this activity, you’ll be analyzing cereal boxes to practice audience analysis. You will answer the following questions (listed below document preview) for one of the five groups of cereal boxes displayed below

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What statistics stand out to you?

Complete your required discussion prompt:

Take a look at the website below:

Hospital Comparison (Links to an external site.)

This website allows people to compare the results seen at different hospitals across things such as patient experience and timely and effective care. Visit the website and compare the hospitals in your local area. What statistics stand out to you? Do you believe that these statistics should/could play a role in patient care?

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Create a one-paragraph hypothetical scenario that illustrates one of the following types of dilemmas or challenges. A moral dilemma

Week 7 Assignment: Decision-Making Analysis Paper


PSYC_160_OL – Paper Rubric
PSYC_160_OL – Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

25 to >22.25 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations
The writer clearly and effectively responds to the assignment with details and specific examples. Content fully addresses all aspects of the assignment. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information. All content is accurate. All opinions are thoroughly supported.

22.25 to >18.75 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations
The response to the assignment is generally adequate, but may not be thorough. May be lacking some details and explanations. Main ideas are clear but are not well supported by detailed information. Content addresses, or partially addresses, most aspects of the assignment. Most content is accurate. Most opinions are supported in some way.

18.75 to >14.75 pts

Below Expectations
The response to the assignment is vague and/ or inaccurate. May be lacking several details and explanations. Main ideas are not always clear or supported. Content addresses few aspects of the assignment. Much of the content is inaccurate in some way. Few opinions are supported.

14.75 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations
The writer does not respond to the assignment or the response is far outside the parameters of the assignment. The topic and main ideas are not clear. Most content is inaccurate.
25 pts

15 to >13.35 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Information is relevant and presented in a logical order. Writing and integration of source materials is eloquent and skillful. Connections among topics are clear without being repetitive or redundant.

13.35 to >11.25 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations
Writing and integration of source materials is adequate with lapses in structure. Most connections among topics are clear without being repetitive or redundant.

11.25 to >8.85 pts

Below Expectations
Writing and integration of source materials is awkward or confusing. Few connections among topics are clear. There is some repetitiveness or redundancy.

8.85 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations
There is no clear , structure. Writing lacks skill. Sources are not present. Connections among topics are not evident.
15 pts
Mechanics and APA

10 to >8.9 pts

Meets or Exceeds Expectations
The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly. The paper meets all assignment criteria in length, structure, and source criteria.

8.9 to >7.5 pts

Mostly Meets Expectations
The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly. The paper meets most of the assignment criteria in length, structure, and source criteria.

7.5 to >5.9 pts

Below Expectations
The assignment occasionally follows current or outdated APA format with multiple mistakes and/or grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Few sources are cited and referenced correctly. The paper meets some of the assignment criteria in length, structure, and source criteria.

5.9 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations
The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many sources are cited and referenced incorrectly, or citations and references are missing. The paper meets few of the assignment criteria in length, structure, and source criteria.
10 pts
Total Points: 50
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In what ways do various forms of intelligence (emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and traditional measures such as IQ) intersect with our linguistic and cognitive abilities?  

Consider the intricate relationship between thinking, language, and intelligence. How do our thought processes shape the language we use? Conversely, how does language influence our thinking? 

  • In what ways do various forms of intelligence (emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and traditional measures such as IQ) intersect with our linguistic and cognitive abilities?  
  • Share your insights and examples to explore the fascinating interplay between these fundamental aspects of human cognition. 
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Consider the Five Steps for Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking. How can you apply each of them to your research and the profile of a graduate signature assignment?

Consider the Five Steps for Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking.

How can you apply each of them to your research and the profile of a graduate signature assignment?

In addition to your main response

e, you must also post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your response and replies to your peers may be either text-based or a video created using Panopto.

Your responses to your peers should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by the classmates.

problem solving.jpg

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