Applying compassion as a personal strength to support the plan

Can you help with applying compassion as a personal strength to support the plan to address the situation in this scenario.


The assistant nurse manager knew one of her staff nurses from the time that they were young and before the time that they were nurses. They had been friends for 17 years. The staff nurse decided that she was going to take a new position and would be leaving their current unit. They had not always worked together and when the assistant nurse manager began working with her friend, they were co-workers. She later was promoted into the assistant nurse manager position. When her friend Shanna decided to leave the Emergency Department, the assistant nurse manager decided that they needed to throw a party for her as she had worked there for years. She spoke with other staff members about the party and even brought a cake on her last day. When it was brought to the attention of the nurse manager, she expressed her concerns regarding the party that was thrown for the nurse. The nurse manager reported that this was not an appropriate thing to do as a supervisor. She explained to the assistant nurse manager that it could be considered by other staff members as favoritism. She told her that she had to be fair and equitable with all the staff. The nurse manager said “last week, did you do the same for the other nurse that took a new position? How do you think that other nurse felt knowing that you planned a party for Shanna, but you did not do the same for her?” 



She had only looked at the situation as a friend and not as a supervisor. She told the nurse manager that in the future she would have the staff work together to plan parties as a group for special occasions so not to hurt anyone’s feelings or show favoritism in the department. She had not thought of how it would be perceived by other staff members.

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5 relevant peer-reviewed scholarly sources using the “WGU Evidence Leveling Tool” located in Supporting Documents. Telemedicine heart failure, er, in rural area The sources must be published in the last five years.

5 relevant peer-reviewed scholarly sources using the “WGU Evidence Leveling Tool” located in Supporting Documents. Telemedicine heart failure, er, in rural area The sources must be published in the last five years.

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Two nurses, one of whom was an assistant nurse manager in the hospital, were childhood friends and collaborated outside of work.

Scenario: Two nurses, one of whom was an assistant nurse manager in the hospital, were childhood friends and collaborated outside of work. They became co-workers when the assistant nurse manager started working with her friend in the same department. Years later, Megan, the floor nurse, decided to take a position in another department. The assistant nurse manager felt that since Megan had worked at the Emergency Department for years and they were friends, she should organize a celebration in honor of her departure. On her last day, she brought a cake and discussed the party with other employees. When it was brought to her attention, the nurse manager voiced her worries about the celebration for the nurse. According to the nurse manager, this was an inappropriate action for a supervisor to take. She warned the assistant nurse manager that other employees could interpret it as partiality. She informed her that she needed to treat every employee equally and fairly. “Did you do the same for the other nurse who took a new position last week?” said the nurse manager. “What thoughts did the other nurse have, knowing that you had organized Megan’s party but not hers?” Instead of viewing the circumstance as a supervisor, she considered it friendly. She informed the nurse manager that to avoid offending anyone or being biased in the department, she would require the employees to collaborate in the future to organize celebrations for significant events as a group. She hadn’t considered the impression it would have on other employees.


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Applying Kingdon’s Policy Stream Model to support ANA positionstatment work environment

Applying Kingdon’s Policy Stream Model to support ANA positionstatment work environment

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Description of Field Activity and Nurse’s Role in Promoting Sphere of Care

Description of Field Activity and Nurse’s Role in Promoting Sphere of Care


In the course of my observational experience with an RN BSN, I had the opportunity to witness the provision of preventative care for six patients with a demographic aged 60 and above. I observed the nurse provide education on wound care prevention, education on the effects of bright light to patients with a history of brain injuries, collaboration with the doctors on the new onset of chest pain, and education about the benefits of the influenza vaccine.


I observe the nurse provide education to a patient and family about the importance of avoiding bright light for a patient with a history of brain injury. I watched the nurse educate on preventative measures such as individualized turning, repositioning, and keeping skin clean and dry to avoid pressure injuries. I witnessed the nurse collaborating with the medical doctor regarding a patient’s new onset of chest pain. The registered nurse educated a patient on how the Influenza vaccine works to protect the individuals and any potential side effects of the vaccine.


#2.Rationale for Nurse’s Activities and Sphere of Care (How does the nurse education and intervention serve as a Resource)

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How would budget variances tracked and managed by the project manager specifically for a healthcare improvement project?

How would budget variances tracked and managed by the project manager specifically for a healthcare improvement project?

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The Leckworth family wants to put tile on their bathroom floor. Each tile is 1 foot. 4. Complete the frequency table below using the following information. square.

The Leckworth family wants to put tile on their bathroom floor. Each tile is 1 foot. 4. Complete the frequency table below using the following information. square. Their bathroom is 4 feet by 6 feet. How many tiles will be needed? Free Throws Tally Frequency 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5 J Number Number X Player of Free Player of Free Throws Throws Sam Phillip Charlie Evan Nathan Jacob 6 x 4= 124 Aaron 16 Kole Lane Sean

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Identify a federal regulation this NGO violated, providing a specific example from the case study as evidence of Azumer Water’s noncompliance.

Case Study: Azumer Water

Here is the scenario


Azumer Water is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides clean drinking water to urban communities in the southwestern United States that have been affected by natural or manmade disasters. The organization is a part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) emergency relief efforts. With a vision of “Help communities restore livelihoods,” and a motto of “Clean water heals a community faster in a disaster,” the organization aims to deliver sufficient supplies of bottled drinking water to urban communities within 24 hours of the initial impact.


The organization employs 10 full-time personnel who focus on managing the logistics of water transport and the resources that support the delivery of clean water to the affected urban areas. To accomplish its mission, the organization relies exclusively on regional volunteers who deliver services in the field. The company currently has 1,073 volunteers who live in the southwestern United States and who are trained to deliver pallets of bottled water from regional centers for distribution to individuals.


Information about the volunteers is kept in a database located on a local machine within Azumer Water’s main office in League City, Texas. The database houses the following information for each volunteer:

  • basic contact information
  • background checks
  • training records
  • engagement details
  • access to regional storage facilities
  • last 4 digits of social security number for identity verification


The organization does not keep backup copies of the database, but some employees occasionally make copies on USB drives when they need to complete work tasks in their home offices.


The organization provides its employees with email accounts that use the domain Volunteers use their personal email addresses for communication with the volunteer coordinator, John Smith, who works in the main office. John maintains the volunteer database to which no volunteers have access. Other full-time employees are provisioned access to the database to back up the coordinator outside his regular work hours. Urgent communication during a disaster relief effort is carried out using cell phones or instant messaging. All full-time employees work and coordinate the volunteers in the field from the main office.


The CEO of Azumer Water, Maria Rodriguez, has contracted an IT company, Pruhart Tech, to provide IT services and to maintain the infrastructure of Azumer Water, which includes a web server, an email server, and a database server that reside on the network in the main office on a Linux platform. Most of the applications that are used are open-source.


The company runs open-source database, e-mail, and web servers. The domain of the company assigned by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is


Pruhart Tech implemented an enterprise firewall solution between the main office network and ReadyNet, the company’s ISP (Internet Service Provider), but its configuration has been deferred.


Employees can access the network via desktop computers that are available in the main office or by using their personal devices. The main office uses the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Protocol to connect to its wireless network. When training at the main office, volunteers access the Internet via the wireless network.


Pruhart Tech’s contact at Azumer Water is Maria, who has been exercising a reactive approach to keeping the infrastructure safe. Since no major incident has occurred in the past, Pruhart Tech has not had the opportunity to perform a vulnerability assessment of the infrastructure and proactively mitigate or resolve risks, despite frequent recommendations. Maria, however, is aware that the network is vulnerable but thinks that attacks are unlikely.


Passwords are not required to be changed, and some employees have been using the same access credentials since joining the organization. Although the employee handbook includes a policy on acceptable use and password maintenance, these policies have never been enforced and have not been updated in years. The employee handbook also states the organization’s security goal to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the volunteer data.


Elecktores, a hacktivist group that advocates for emergency relief everywhere, not just urban areas, has been publicly attacking the limited mission of Azumer Water. As of late, it has been planning a cyber campaign to discourage Azumer Water’s volunteers from participating in relief efforts. Elecktores has already been involved in malicious activities to deliberately cancel the delivery of ordered bottled water from the regional warehouses.


On a Friday afternoon, John received the following email:

From: water

Subject: Exclusive offer on water pallets


Dear John,


We have a special on water pallets for $10 a pallet. The offer expires in two days. Act immediately! Make your order at






When John read the email, he was busy updating volunteer addresses in the database and he carelessly clicked on the link in the email and landed on a non-existent web page. He made a note to research the offer when he starts his new work week on Monday, as it appeared appealing and cost-saving.


Saturday morning, volunteers started receiving the following email:

From: d0nate

Subject: Crises happen all the time – Donate now!


Dear volunteer,


Every day in the news you hear of our presence in the field wherever disasters happen. To support our efforts in providing clean water to the communities in need, please click here to donate.


Thank you,


John Smith


Upon clicking on the link in the email, the recipients were presented with a web form to donate to the cause by selecting an amount to be deducted from their credit card. This is a practice that the organization has not used in the past, so some volunteers were confused. Several of them immediately reacted by sending John angry emails.


It is Monday morning, and this is your first day as a new employee of Azumer Water in the role of information security officer. This is a grant-funded position by FEMA, and in your role, you are expected to elevate the overall security posture of the organization by identifying the risks associated to the organization and recommending solutions to remedy the current situation impacting Azumer.


John arrives in the office and meets with you and Maria, who is showing you around the facilities, including the server room. John goes to his desk and, within minutes, he notifies you and Maria that he cannot find the volunteer database, and that he has received 71 emails from angry volunteers.



Here are the questions 


C. Identify a federal regulation this NGO violated, providing a specific example from the case study as evidence of Azumer Water’s noncompliance.


F. Discuss two processes to increase information assurance levels within the organization and bring Azumer Water into compliance with the violated federal regulation identified in part C. This ties in with Question C


I. Describe your risk management approach for Azumer Water based on the likelihood, severity, and impact categorization of two risks in the case study.  Here are my answers for I, but it needs A description of a risk management approach based on the likelihood, severity, and impact categorization of 2 risks

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Needs Assessment:

Needs Assessment:

A brainstorming session was conducted during this meeting. We first discussing the issues that we felt were top problems and areas that the Emergency Department needed to improve on.  I shared my screen with all stakeholders so that we could put our ideas in writing for all of us to see,  to organize and agree on the HIP. This was done one at a time allowing each stakeholder the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas in a round robin fashion. Once ideas were generated by the team, they were each discussed individually to determine the importance of the proposed project idea. This step allows all members of the stakeholder group to understand the concept and idea that has been proposed. Some of the items discussed that needed improvement for the ED included improved PRN effectiveness documentation, decreasing falls, employment engagement, nursing retention, and improvement in Sepsis recognition in the Emergency Department. These have all been identified as issues within out unit. Improvement in many of these category’s lead to decreased length of stay and increased patient satisfaction. These categories also can be linked to cost savings for both the organization and the patients. Ideas were ranked by the group in order of importance. The team determined at the beginning of the needs assessment that the HIP would be determined when all stakeholders agreed on the most relevant idea for noted improvement in the ED.

The stakeholders as a whole consensus agreed that early Sepsis identification on arrival to the ED would be the healthcare improvement plan that we wanted to focus on. On our written board, we brainstormed ideas that contributed to decreases sepsis identification. These were categorized into groups. These groups  included lack of nursing protocols being initiated, inadequate triage techniques, and miscommunication. All ideas were placed under appropriate categories.  The common theme that was identified with our Affinity Analysis was the need for modification of the triage process. We were able to identify literature to support improvements in triage processes. This will help to identify possible sepsis patients on arrival to the Emergency Department to improve overall outcomes for both the patient and facility.

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Identify 2 external factors that may help the implementation of my project and two external factors that may hinder the implementation of my project?

Identify 2 external factors that may help the implementation of my project and two external factors that may hinder the implementation of my project?


My project is to implement earlier sepsis recognition during the triage in the Emergency Room.

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