How do you cite a website in text using apa 7 formating?

How do you cite a website in text using apa 7 formating?

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What would be an appropriate problem statement for an educational problem that can be investigated by accessing and analyzing data.- (Elementary classroom, 4th grade, low income, varying ability levels- SPED Collab room.)

What would be an appropriate problem statement for an educational problem that can be investigated by accessing and analyzing data.- (Elementary classroom, 4th grade, low income, varying ability levels- SPED Collab room.)

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How do you best establish a disciplined time management plan when enrolled in a remote-learning masters program?

How do you best establish a disciplined time management plan when enrolled in a remote-learning masters program?

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Evaluate four hands-on tools that elementary-age students can use to explore mathematical concepts, including the following for each tool: • one use of the tool to explore mathematical concepts

Part One: Tools

Explore several hands-on and virtual tools you could use in an elementary mathematics lesson and select four of each to evaluate in the following prompts.


A. Evaluate four hands-on tools that elementary-age students can use to explore mathematical concepts, including the following for each tool:

one use of the tool to explore mathematical concepts

one specific benefit of using the tool to explore mathematical concepts

one specific challenge of using the tool to explore mathematical concepts


Note: Classroom resources (e.g., flash cards, whiteboards) are not acceptable hands-on mathematical tools.


Note: General classroom feasibility characteristics (e.g., storage, cost, availability) are not acceptable benefits or challenges of using the tool.


B. Evaluate four virtual tools that elementary-age students can use to explore mathematical concepts, including the following for each tool:

one use of the tool to explore mathematical concepts

one specific benefit of using the tool to explore mathematical concepts

one specific challenge of using the tool to explore mathematical concepts

• a web link to the identified tool


Note: Entire websites or software packages (e.g.,, Microsoft Excel), classroom technology hardware (e.g., interactive whiteboards, student response systems), and general virtual classroom resources (e.g., virtual flash cards, virtual quizzes) are not appropriate virtual tools for this task.


Note: The web link must be to the actual tool where the user can interact. A web link to an app store or a site that discusses a tool is not acceptable for this task.


Note: General classroom feasibility characteristics (e.g., storage, cost, availability) are not acceptable benefits or challenges of using the tool.


Part Two: Lesson Plan

C. Using the  Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template,” create an original elementary-level (K-6) mathematics lesson plan that incorporates a tool from either part A or part B and that includes the following:

one state or national mathematics standard, including the source (web link) of the standard, the alphanumeric indicator code, and the written standard

one measurable learning objective that aligns to the standard


Part Three: Reflection

D. Explain how the tool from part C will enhance student learning during the lesson.


E. Explain how your lesson plan incorporates each of the following components:

1. conceptual understanding

2. problem solving

3. procedural fluency


F. Explain how one instructional strategy in your lesson plan (e.g., collaborative learning, modeling, discovery learning) supports learning outcomes.


G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission

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Two parallel plates, each of area (6.100×10^0) cm2 are (2.30×10^0) mm apart. An insulating plastic material between the two plates has a dielectric constant of κ = (3.000×10^0).

Two parallel plates, each of area (6.100×10^0) cm2 are (2.30×10^0) mm apart. An insulating plastic material between the two plates has a dielectric constant of κ = (3.000×10^0). Calculate the magnitude of the charge on the plates in coulombs (C) if an electric field of (3.0×10^6) V/m is measured between them. Give your answer using scientific numerical notation.

Note: Your answer is assumed to be reduced to the highest power possible.

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A cylindrical (2.7×10^0) µF capacitor, is connected in parallel to a (2.400×10^0) µF parallel-plate capacitor. A potential difference of (2.80×10^1) volts is applied to this configuration.

A cylindrical (2.7×10^0) µF capacitor, is connected in parallel to a (2.400×10^0) µF parallel-plate capacitor. A potential difference of (2.80×10^1) volts is applied to this configuration. After a long time, what is the charge on the cylindrical capacitor’s plates? Answer in coulombs (C) using scientific notation. Answer with a positive number.

Note: Your answer is assumed to be reduced to the highest power possible.


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An electron travels with a speed of (7.80×10^4) m/s along the x-axis.

An electron travels with a speed of (7.80×10^4) m/s along the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field of strength (7.7×10^-4) T directed along the y-axis is turned on, and the electron starts travelling in a circle due to the magnetic force. What is the radius of this circle?Give your answer in meters (m) using scientific notation.

Note: Your answer is assumed to be reduced to the highest power possible.


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An infinitely long cylindrical pipe with inner radius R1 = 8.00 cm and outer radius R2 = 12.0 cm lies along the z-axis centered at the origin. If the pipe carries a current of ipipe = 2.00 A k, then: a)

An infinitely long cylindrical pipe with inner radius R1 = 8.00 cm and outer radius R2 = 12.0 cm lies along the z-axis centered at the origin. If the pipe carries a current of ipipe = 2.00 A k, then: a) Using Ampere’s Law, what is the magnetic field at the point P = (x, y, z) = (0.00, 0.75, 0.00) m? b) A long straight wire is placed parallel to the z-axis along the line (x, y, z) = (0.00, 2.00, z) m. What must the current in the wire be so that the magnetic field at point P is equal to O T?

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You have been assigned as a co-teacher in a classroom to assist with EL students and students with exceptionalities. You are struggling to build a working relationship with the teacher because the teacher has never worked with a co-teacher before.

You have been assigned as a co-teacher in a classroom to assist with EL students and students with exceptionalities. You are struggling to build a working relationship with the teacher because the teacher has never worked with a co-teacher before.

Describe one collaborative strategy you could use to build a positive working relationship with the teacher.


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Describe an activity you have completed that helped you learn more about a piece of content that you taught. Make sure to include in your description the activity, the specific content, and what you learned from the activity. 

1. Describe an activity you have completed that helped you learn more about a piece of content that you taught. Make sure to include in your description the activity, the specific content, and what you learned from the activity.


2. Discuss an activity that you have completed that helped you learn more about a type of content pedagogy or teaching strategy to provide more engaging instruction to your students. Make sure to include in your description the activity, the specific pedagogy or strategy, and what you learned from the activity.


3. Describe a specific collaborative meeting you attended in which assessment data was discussed. As you describe this meeting, make sure to include the attendees, the name and type of assessment that provided the data, and what the data told you about your students’ learning.


4. As part of your description of the data meeting from D2a, you will want to discuss what decisions were made to move forward because of the discoveries made about student learning from the data discussed.

5. In concluding your discussion over your collaborative data meeting, make sure to include your personal learning from attending the meeting.


6. Describe an instance of your use of resources from any educational professional organization. This would include organizations such as NEA or Kappa Delta Pi. In this section, you will identify the organization itself, the resource you used, such as an article or video found on the organization’s website, and what you learned from utilizing the resource.


D4a. Describe an area of teaching in which you would like to improve or deepen your knowledge.


D4b. Provide examples of the types of professional development activities you will complete to grow in your goal area stated in D4b.

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