What are the benefits of using virtual manipulative Attribute blocks in elementary maths?

1. What are the benefits of using virtual manipulative Attribute blocks in elementary maths?


2. What are the challenges of using virtual attribute blocks in elementary maths lessons?


3.  What are the benefits of using virtual manipulative fraction strips in elementary maths lessons?


4. What are the challenges of using virtual manipulative fraction strips in elementary maths lessons

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What the evaluation team is looking for is a sample lesson that follows a standard and is the same area of study throughout the formative and summative assessments as well.

an explanation of how technology can be integrated into each of the following:

•  curricular resources that guide instructional design (e.g., standards)

•  formative assessment strategy

•  summative assessment strategy

•  how student data would be used through technology for student learning outcomes

What the evaluation team is looking for is a sample lesson that follows a standard and is the same area of study throughout the formative and summative assessments as well.

So for your sample learning activity, you will want to choose a standard. Then, for your instructional design, add a few sentences detailing how the technology will be integrated into the lesson.  For instance, the teacher will need to include time in the lesson to teach students how to use Quiz let, Kahoot, Google Docs, etc., and how to create accounts, respond to questions, etc.

Then you will make sure your formative and summative assessments are aligned with your standard.  For instance, if you choose a standard on World War II, your formative and summative assessments should assess World War II content.  You just want each evaluation to align with the standard. Then you will explain how the assessment will generate data for the teacher.  For instance, if students were to complete a ‘Kahoot’ activity, the teacher would be able to see which questions were answered correctly and incorrectly for each student.  Then the teacher could use that data to inform how to move forward with instruction.

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Three different resources and how teachers can use them to research educational technology to facilitate student learning 

  1. Three different resources and how teachers can use them to research educational technology to facilitate student learning
  2. Examples:  Kathy Schrock Guide to Technology, CommonSense Education, LearnPlatform, EdSurge, Learning Assembly, etc.
  3. For example, teachers could use EdSurge to research different tech tools to use as formative assessments in the classroom.
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Three examples of scholar academic ideology in a classroom? using technology.

Three examples of scholar academic ideology in a classroom? using technology.

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Discuss specific examples of how the teachers in the videos effectively incorporated the needs of individual learners within their learning environments, including at least one example of each of the following from any of the three videos:


Creating Fractured Fairy Tales Using Story Maps


2. https://atlas.nbpts.org/cases/163/

Developing Drug Awareness and Resistance Skills,” sixth grade

3.  “Adding Mixed Numbers with Like and Unlike Denominators,” sixth grade


A.   Identify the  three videos from the attached ”

B.   Reflect on your video observations by doing the following:

1.   Discuss specific examples of how the teachers in the videos effectively incorporated the needs of individual learners within their learning environments, including at least one example of each of the following from any of the three videos:

•    cultural needs

•    social needs

•    emotional needs


2.   Discuss ways that the teachers could have more effectively incorporated individual learners’ cultural, social, or emotional needs in the learning environments.

3.   Discuss two culturally sustaining pedagogy strategies you learned from observing the videos that you could incorporate into your future practice as a teacher.

a.  Explain how you can apply the two strategies from B3 in your future classroom.

4.   Explain how you could involve your students’ caregivers in the execution of the strategies from part B3, including specific examples.

5.   Explain how you could involve the community in the execution of the strategies from part B3, including specific examples.


C.   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


D.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Identify the  three videos from the attached ” B.   Reflect on your video observations by doing the following:

Identify the  three videos from the attached ”

B.   Reflect on your video observations by doing the following:

1.   Discuss specific examples of how the teachers in the videos effectively incorporated the needs of individual learners within their learning environments, including at least one example of each of the following from any of the three videos:

•    cultural needs

•    social needs

•    emotional needs


2.   Discuss ways that the teachers could have more effectively incorporated individual learners’ cultural, social, or emotional needs in the learning environments.

3.   Discuss two culturally sustaining pedagogy strategies you learned from observing the videos that you could incorporate into your future practice as a teacher.

a.  Explain how you can apply the two strategies from B3 in your future classroom.

4.   Explain how you could involve your students’ caregivers in the execution of the strategies from part B3, including specific examples.

5.   Explain how you could involve the community in the execution of the strategies from part B3, including specific examples.


C.   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


D.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Describe a realistic action you would take to help Maria with one or more of the issues she is facing.

A.  Summarize the social context described in the scenario, including the following:

•  Maria’s family

•  Maria’s community

•  Maria’s cultural background
B.  Discuss how you, as a teacher, would try to help Maria in a culturally responsive, trauma-informed way by doing the following:

1.  Describe a realistic action you would take to help Maria with one or more of the issues she is facing.

a.  Justify how the action from part B1 would effectively address the issue or issues from part B1 in a culturally responsive and trauma-informed way, including specific examples.

2.  Discuss how you would involve Maria’s family in this action.
C.  Discuss specific elements of your own cultural background.
Note: Cultural background can include relevant demographic information such as race, economic background, or religion. It can also include other defining characteristics, such as family structure, styles of communication, traditions, or family and community educational norms. You are not required to include details relating to personal experience, traumatic or otherwise.
1.  Discuss how your cultural background could affect the way you might respond to the issues Maria is facing in the scenario.
D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Maria is a 13-year-old biracial student whose mother is Hispanic and father is African-American. Maria’s father transferred towns for work, which uprooted the family midyear from a large city to a small, rural town. Maria’s new school, much like the community, is predominately white and middle class. The move has resulted in her parents fighting a lot, making her home life very stressful.

Additionally, students at her new school dress much differently than students at her old school, which makes Maria stand out. Some of the other students make fun of the way she dresses. She just discovered a social media group called “I Hate Maria” composed of some of her seventh-grade classmates, who have been posting negative comments about her. Recently, students at Maria’s school took cell phone photographs of her buttocks while she was walking in the hall and posted them on the “I Hate Maria” website.

Maria has tried to tell her parents about the bullying at school, but they tell her she is being too sensitive. With all of the stress, Maria is plagued by dark thoughts of killing herself and cannot focus on the lessons being taught in her classes.


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 Choose two of the eight SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics from the list below and explain how you have demonstrated each of them within a professional setting. •  All Individuals Can Learn

Using the results of your self-assessment, describe how you will support your ongoing development as a Next-Gen candidate by doing the following:

1.  Choose two of the eight SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics from the list below and explain how you have demonstrated each of them within a professional setting.

•  All Individuals Can Learn

•  Empathy

•  Growth Mindset

•  Intellectual Courage

•  Belonging

•  Integrity

•  Professionalism

•  Communication
2.  Choose two of the eight SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics from the list in part B1 and do the following:

a.  Describe two action steps you will take to improve your proficiency (one action step for each chosen disposition or ethic).

b.  Justify how each action step from prompt B2a will help you develop as a Next-Gen candidate in each SOE Professional Disposition and Ethic that you chose in B2.
C.  Choose two SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics from the list in part B1, that you did not use in prompts B1 or B2, and do the following:
1.  Explain how you would apply both of the chosen SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics to collaborate with families, caregivers, or the larger community.

2.  Explain how the application of both of the chosen SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics facilitates learner growth.
D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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What is a writing prompt I can give a secondary class (a grade 6-12) that allows them to spend time collecting data themselves (from friends and family) and use it for statistical analysis comparing it to the average worldwide data for the selected topics?

What is a writing prompt I can give a secondary class (a grade 6-12) that allows them to spend time collecting data themselves (from friends and family) and use it for statistical analysis comparing it to the average worldwide data for the selected topics? I need help selecting appropriate and reasonable topics to conduct research on that can be compared in a mathematical essay.

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What is a scaffold I can use to help the students write like “disciplinary experts”?

Students will be writing a statistical analysis paper comparing data they’ve collected from friends to the global data for how long people spend on social media. What is a scaffold I can use to help the students write like “disciplinary experts”? What is an instructional strategy I can use to support their writing and learning of the content?

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