Generally, why would post-operative patients who underwent major surgeries like Mrs. Frances, be maintained on NPO?

Activity 1

Critical Thinking Exercise 1
Case Study : Pre-Operative Patient

Patient Profile:
● Mrs. Frances, an 82-year-old retired librarian is admitted to the hospital with complaints of
abdominal pain, alternating diarrhea and constipation, and blood in her stool.
Pertinent Data:
● Has history of hypertension for 40 years
● Takes Hydrochlorothiazide
● Has history of diabetes mellitus, type 2, since age 60, diet controlled
● Has surgical history that includes a cesarean section at age 30 & appendectomy at age 19
● Has not eaten for 2 days and has had decreasing oral intake for past 2 weeks
● Reports a 10-lb weight loss
● Sleeps poorly at night and is drowsy during the day
● Lives alone and has no immediate family
Physical Examination:
● Alert, well oriented, slightly obese older woman with painful, palpable abdominal mass on LLQ.
Collaborative Care:
● Scheduled for exploratory laparotomy, colon resection, and possible colostomy

1. Based from the presenting data, what factors may influence Mrs. Frances` response to
hospitalization and surgery and why?
2. Given Mrs. Frances’ health history, what pre-operative laboratory tests and diagnostic procedure
do you think will be possibly ordered and why?
Critical Thinking Exercise 2

Case Study: Patient during the Intra-operative Phase

Intra-Operative Period

Page 4 | Perioperative Nursing /mcls
Mrs. Frances was brought in the Operating Room for her planned surgery:
Exploratory Laparotomy, Colon Resection, Colostomy under general anesthesia. Patient
was alert, & conscious, with the following vital signs: BP= 130/80, PR= 72/bpm, RR= 24
cpm, T=36.5 0 C. Patient is on NPO with ongoing IVF of Plain NSS 1L x 8 0 , initial dose of
antibiotic given at the ward.

1. Mrs. Frances was transferred from surgical unit to the Operating Room. As a student
nurse assigned in the OR, what nursing actions should you take when receiving a
patient for operation?
2. The operation is about to begin. Prior operation, the Time-Out Procedure is conducted.
What do you think is the importance of doing time-out procedure?


3. During the operation, you noticed that there was a break in the Surgeon’s gloves. You
called the attention of the surgeon and he said that he will change his gloves later. What
will you do then and why?


Critical Thinking Exercise 3

Case Study: Patient during the Post-operative Phase

Post-Operative Period
Two hours post-operatively, Mrs. Frances was transferred from Post-anesthesia Care
Unit (PACU), to her private room. She is awake, conscious & coherent, has stable vital
signs, with dry wound dressings, with colostomy on her LLQ, and with indwelling foley
catheter. She was instructed to be on NPO until further order and to maintain flat on bed for
at least 6 hours post operatively. She also has an ongoing IV fluid, D5LR 1 liter on her right
hand, running at 30-31 gtts/minute.


1. Generally, why would post-operative patients who underwent major surgeries like
Mrs. Frances, be maintained on NPO?


2. Knowing Mrs. Frances health history, what will you include in your plan of care when



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DRUGS: 1. Citicoline 2. Atorvastatin

1. Citicoline
2. Atorvastatin


Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Action Side Effect Nursing Responsibilities Adverse effect
Generic Name: Brand Name Therapeutic classification: Pharmacologic classification: Dosage Route
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1. Is abortion justifiable in cases of RAPE or INCEST?

1. Is abortion justifiable in cases of RAPE or INCEST?  Why?
2. As an Augustinian nursing student, reflect on the topic abortion vis-à-vis rape

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A) Heparin B) Hydralazine 1) The reason why this medication is prescribed for a patient: 2)What is the mechanism of action of this medication? 3

answer these questions for these two medications
A) Heparin B) Hydralazine 1) The reason why this medication is prescribed for a patient: 2)What is the mechanism of action of this medication? 3)Side effects to consider and related to Nursing Implications? 4)Determine how to Safely Administer the Medication 5) Any pertinent assessments to make before administering the drug (include the Parameters): 6) Any contraindications to giving this medication: 7) Any reason to hold this dedication? 8)What dosage will be given: 9)What route will be used: 10)Compatible with other meds/IV sol? 11) Can it be crushed? 12)Can it be given with food? 13) Evaluation data to collect (Medication therapeutic effectiveness):
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I want you to pick any clinical quality problem and apply either an experimental or quasi-experimental design for quality improvement. 

I want you to pick any clinical quality problem and apply either an experimental or quasi-experimental design for quality improvement.  Which design would you use and why?  What are the strengths and weakness of this chosen design method?  (Make sure when you answer, you tell me what quality problem you are trying to improve -CAUTI, CLABSI, FALL’s, are some examples)

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Morality, Ethics and Law

Paper details

First, begin by familiarizing yourself with the following article:


Explore your moral compass and its relation to ethical standards and legal requirements in the field. Specifically, answer the following questions:

  • What is the difference among moralityethics, and the law? Provide an original example of each.
  • Describe an instance whereby a decision may be considered morally unethical (i.e. a situation may be ethical, but not moral).
  • Why is it important for you, as a healthcare leader, to understand the differences among these?
  • How can you take this discussion topic and apply it in the real world?
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Current Epidemiological Concern

Paper details

Using the Web Resources provided this week, identify a current epidemiological concern either at the local, national, or global level. Address the following questions:

  • What is the epidemiological concern?
  • What population is it affecting?
  • What potential population may be affected if this concern is not addressed?
  • What are the risk factors associated with the epidemiological concern?
  • What public health recommendation can you make to alleviate your identified epidemiological concern?
  • Based on the reading how might you evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence-based strategies?

*Web Resources:

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Paper details

Using the attached file as a start regarding the epidemiological concern, Diabetes, create a 3 page executive summary for a diverse population concerning the Prevention of Diabetes by addressing the Assignment questions:

  • What is the epidemiological concern?
  • What population is it affecting?
  • What potential population may be affected if this concern is not addressed?
  • What are the risk factors associated with the epidemiological concern?
  • What public health recommendation can you make to alleviate your identified epidemiological concern?

The executive summary should fully address the issues of multiculturalism in a global environment with specific and clear details. Make sure you provide a sound analysis of quantitative health research including evidence-based practices in epidemiology.


Web Resources:

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Select a health issue from Japan.

Paper details

Select a health issue from Japan.

Prepare a presentation-worthy poster on your assigned topic. Use the attached provided poster template 

Assignments should use evidence-based data. Do not alter the general look or size of the poster.

The following sections will be included on your poster: (additional details can be found on the poster template)

Overview of the issue: Provide an evidence-based overview of the issue, incidence rates, facts/data, and an image. Be sure your overview takes a local, national, and global perspective. Overview includes personal, global, national and local perspectives.

  • Overview defines the issue.
  • Overview includes incidence.
  • Overview includes prevalence.
  • Overview includes impact.
  • Overview includes hard data support
  • See template for additional details.

Risk factors: Include the primary risk factors and the population at highest risk as well as an infographic.

Determinants of health: For each of the five determinants of health, provide evidence of how that determinant either is influenced by or influences the issue. Include a graphic. (Remember this influence may vary by location, so be sure to look locally, nationally, and globally.) Make sure all 5 Determinants are covered.

  • Each determinant includes hard data support.
  • Evidence based.
  • Data driven.
  • Accurate. See template for additional details.

Evidence-based solutions: Provide evidence-based solutions for prevention, intervention, and education as well as quantifying the effect each would have. (Be sure to include local, national, and global perspectives.) Evidence based solutions include all 4 levels of prevention. Quantitative impact of implementing solutions is included for all four.

See template for additional details.

References: Use reliable sources and format them in APA format. See template for additional details.


Make sure the images and infographics used on the poster are appropriate and professional.

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Ontological Arrogance Versus Ontological Humility

Paper details

Part 1


In this week\’s discussion, you will experience what it feels like to shift your perspective. As a leader in the field, it is important to see situations from various points of view. This is especially important as you continue developing ethical-decision making skills.

First, addresses the following prompts in at least 250 words with at least one relevant source:

  • What do you see in the attached image? Defend only one perspective.
  • Explain how you arrived at your conclusion.


Source: Kofman, F. (2013). Conscious business: How to build value through values. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.

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