What would be appropriate teaching strategies for: a. An infant presenting with poor feeding.

What would be appropriate teaching strategies for: a. An infant presenting with poor feeding.

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Domain Application to Nursing Practice  in-text citations

Part 2: Domain Application to Nursing Practice  in-text citations. more references

Domain Description

o Include a statement that tells the reader about the assigned domain.- Domain 6 Interprofessional Partnerships

o Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor and contextual statement. Nursing Practice Examples and Reflection (In screenshots)

o Read through the entry-level professional nursing education competencies for the assigned domain. Choose three (3) competencies and provide an example of nursing practice for each. (In screenshots provided)

o For example: Student A is assigned Domain 9: Professionalism. Student A chooses 9.1e Report unethical behaviors in practice. The example Student A writes about is when she overheard nurses talking about a patient in an elevator while working as a patient care tech.

o Examples you provide can come from what you have learned in your nursing coursework, personal/family experiences, observations while working in healthcare settings, and/or from a documentary(ies).

o For each competency and example you provide, respond to the following prompts and/or questions. o Discuss how and why your example meets or does not meet the stated competency.
o What sphere of care does your example come from? Provide rationale and/or evidence to

support the sphere of care you have identified.
o Discuss why this competency is important for nursing practice. Provide evidence to support

your discussion.
o *Reflect on your personal ability to meet this competency. Are you able to meet it today? If so, how? If not, what additional knowledge, skills and experiences will help you to be able to achieve the competency? [*first-person allowed in this section only]


o Summarize the key ideas discussed in your paper without including new information and provide your final thoughts with an emotional appeal that will leave an impact on the reader. Include a closing sentence that wraps up the entire paper with a synthesis of key points about your domain.

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Describe the concept using the Essentials as a reference (1-2 slides)

Provide substantial justification and scholarly evidence to support the content. A minimum of three scholarly/professional peer- reviewed references is required. Ten (10) slides, excluding the title and reference slide, is the minimum expectation.

Describe the concept using the Essentials as a reference (1-2 slides)

Report the importance of the concept for and within nursing practice (2-3 slides)

Include one example for each of the Four Spheres of Care of how a nurse(s) may apply the concept in nursing care. Each example should address a different domain for nursing practice (4-6 slides)

four spheres of care: 1) disease prevention/promotion of health and well-being, which includes the promotion of physical and mental health in all patients as well as management of minor acute and intermittent care needs of generally healthy patients;

2) chronic disease care, which includes management of chronic diseases and prevention of negative sequelae; 3) regenerative or restorative care, which includes critical/trauma care, complex acute care, acute exacerbations of chronic conditions, and treatment of physiologically unstable patients that generally requires care in a mega-acute care institution; and 4) hospice/ palliative/supportive care, which includes end-of-life care as well as palliative and supportive care for individuals requiring extended care, those with complex, chronic disease states, or those requiring rehabilitative care

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Describe the concept using the Essentials as a reference

Topic- Evidence Based practice

Please explain each example so I can understand for presentation

Provide substantial justification and scholarly evidence to support the content. A minimum of three scholarly/professional peer- reviewed references is required. Ten (10) slides, excluding the title and reference slide, is the minimum expectation.

Describe the concept using the Essentials as a reference (1-2 slides)

Report the importance of the concept for and within nursing practice (2-3 slides)

Include one example for each of the Four Spheres of Care of how a nurse(s) may apply the concept in nursing care. Each example should address a different domain for nursing practice (4-6 slides)

Four spheres of care: 1) disease prevention/promotion of health and well-being, which includes the promotion of physical and mental health in all patients as well as management of minor acute and intermittent care needs of generally healthy patients;

2) chronic disease care, which includes management of chronic diseases and prevention of negative sequelae; 3) regenerative or restorative care, which includes critical/trauma care, complex acute care, acute exacerbations of chronic conditions, and treatment of physiologically unstable patients that generally requires care in a mega-acute care institution; and 4) hospice/ palliative/supportive care, which includes end-of-life care as well as palliative and supportive care for individuals requiring extended care, those with complex, chronic disease states, or those requiring rehabilitative care

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Choose ONE of the prototypes from this week and develop a concept map or drug card

There are TWO parts to this discussion to answer altogether in your first post this week:

Part 1: Choose ONE of the prototypes from this week and develop a concept map or drug card to POST here.

Class: Prototype, MOA, indications, side effects adverse reactions, contraindications, special therapeutic considerations.

Part 2: Include two questions a client should be able to answer correctly after education.


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Do Article critique for both articles and answer the question with the follow up article

Do Article critique for both articles and answer the question with the follow up article


Article critique- The article critique contains specific, thorough information and explanation. No lapses in logical progression of information. with in-text citations


Any other authors use this study in their research? What is your opinion of the study?

Any other authors support or negate your opinion? 



Original Article– https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(17)33102-1

Follow up Article– 5-year follow-up of the randomised Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT) of continued support for weight loss maintenance in the UK: an extension study


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Identify the six perspectives on abnormality used by mental health professionals.

Identify the six perspectives on abnormality used by mental health professionals. Then give one meaningful example of how each of them is utilized in distinguishing normal from abnormal behavior. 

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How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider?

Complete your required discussion prompt:

How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider? Find and discuss at least two examples of how statistics are used in your field. Do you feel like statistics are a vital part of the nursing field? Why or why not?

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Discuss why it is important to create a truly unbiased sample and survey questions.

Complete your required discussion prompt:

Using survey data to calculate statistics can be extremely valuable, but you must also make sure that the sample and questions are unbiased. Design a pair of questions that are related to the same healthcare issue: one that is unbiased and another that would result in a bias in one direction or the other.


  1. Do you think that the rate of type II diabetes diagnoses will increase over the next 10 years?
  2. Given the large increase in childhood obesity in the United States, do you think that type II diabetes diagnoses will increase over the next 10 years?

Discuss why it is important to create a truly unbiased sample and survey questions. Then, look at your classmates’ examples and comment on how their examples do or do not create a bias. Do not state which of your own questions is biased and which is unbiased. Your peers will determine which is which in their responses to you. 

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Multiple studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom show that the probability of dying in the hospital is higher if you are admitted on the weekend

Complete your required discussion prompt:

Multiple studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom show that the probability of dying in the hospital is higher if you are admitted on the weekend. Why might this be? What factors might contribute to this probability?  What could hospitals do to reduce/eliminate this phenomenon?

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