Week 3 Assignment: Personality Paper

You have been given a grant to study one of these five personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. 

  • Define and describe the personality trait you chose. 
  • How might this personality trait be measured? 
  • What are the advantages and drawbacks of using the personality trait approach? 

Make sure to include terminology from the textbook and include citations.

Your paper should include and incorporate three scholarly sources. Your paper must be in APA Style and include in-text citations and a reference list. Your textbook can be one of the sources.

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For your Signature Assignment for this course, you will submit a written or video response to a case study, incorporating at least three scholarly sources including your textbook. 

For your Signature Assignment for this course, you will submit a written or video response to a case study, incorporating at least three scholarly sources including your textbook.

This week, you will prepare for the Signature Assignment by creating an annotated bibliography.

  1. Review the Signature Assignment instructions. The Signature Assignment is due in Week 8.
  2. Watch the Case StudyLinks to an external site.
  3. Read details about the case study below.
  4. Locate four (4) scholarly resources to be used as you complete the Signature Assignment.

For each source:

  • List the source in APA Style. The references should be organized alphabetically by the author on the References list.
  • Follow the source with a brief annotation that summarizes the source information (approximately 3–5 sentences). You may quote briefly from the source, but do not copy and paste from the abstract. Include internal citations as needed
  • In 1 or 2 sentences, explain and evaluate the source’s relevance and significance to your thesis. Does the information from this source support or discredit your thesis?
  • Use an academic tone and style.

Case Study Details (read after viewing the case study video):

Neuroscience: Sarah’s difficulties in language acquisition, social communication, and attention, alongside abnormalities in brain development, particularly in areas associated with language processing, attention, and emotional regulation, suggest underlying neurobiological factors. The decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex points to deficits in executive functioning and cognitive control. These findings highlight the intricate interplay between brain regions and their effect on cognitive and behavioral functioning.

Consciousness and Cognitive Functioning: Sarah’s level of consciousness appears intact, but her cognitive abilities are significantly affected. Her awareness may be compromised in social contexts due to difficulties in social communication. Attentional deficits and executive dysfunction likely contribute to her challenges in maintaining focus and expressing thoughts verbally. These factors collectively influence her level of consciousness and cognitive processing.

Thinking and Learning: Sarah’s cognitive processes are impaired, particularly in abstract thinking, problem-solving, and academic performance. These challenges align with the characteristics of neurodevelopmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), affecting her ability to navigate academic tasks and everyday problem-solving situations effectively.

Development and Memory: Sarah’s developmental milestones are delayed, and it’s evident in her struggles with language acquisition and social communication skills since early childhood. Her memory processes may also be affected with weaknesses in encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. However, she may possess strengths in certain mnemonic abilities, which could be explored further to support her learning and development.

Psychological Disorders: Based on Sarah’s presentation and assessments, she meets the criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This diagnosis encompasses her difficulties in social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD on Sarah’s psychological well-being underscores the importance of early intervention and comprehensive support to address her complex needs effectively.

Motivation and Emotion: Sarah’s motivation levels appear low, possibly influenced by her difficulties in social interaction and academic performance. Additionally, her challenges with emotional regulation contribute to her withdrawn behavior and overall adjustment. Understanding these factors is crucial in developing tailored interventions to enhance her motivation and emotional well-being.

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In your own words, list and describe the three stages of memory and provide an example of each. 

From this week’s reading, you have explored how intricate memory is and the many factors that come into play for you to be able to store and retrieve memory. Describe what memory is and how it works:

  • In your own words, list and describe the three stages of memory and provide an example of each. 
  • What causes failures in memory? Provide an example of a major impairment to memory.


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Based on your reading about development, discuss your stand on the nature versus nurture debate.

Based on your reading about development, discuss your stand on the nature versus nurture debate. Your response should be based on your reading of the material for this week. You will need to reference your textbook at least 3 times. Be sure to have three paragraphs. Your peer responses should be a minimum of two paragrahs for this week. DO NOT USE AI TO HELP YOU WRITE YOUR DISCUSSIONS OR RESPONSES. 

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How does income affect childhood brain development?  

How does income affect childhood brain development?  

Watch the TED video: 

https://www.ted.com/talks/kimberly_noble_how_does_income_affect_childhood_brain_development?language=enLinks to an external site. 

Discuss some of the specific concepts you have learned about childhood brain development and income. 

  • In your response, use at least three new terms from the textbook to support your argument. 
  • Terms such as neuroplasticity, neuroscience, and the brain hemispheres should be included. 
  • This is not based on your personal views; you must include a reference to our course materials to support your ideas. 
  • Support your post with information from this week’s textbook reading on the brain. 
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What specific aspects of psychology have intrigued you or motivated you as you begin this class?

Reflect on how this Introduction to Psychology course can assist you as you are working toward your degree.

Please address each of the following:

  •     What specific aspects of psychology have intrigued you or motivated you as you begin this class?
  •     What do you hope to gain from studying psychology?
  •     Have you had any prior exposure to psychology, either through coursework, personal reading, or practical experiences?
  •     Which subfields or topics within psychology are you most curious about, and why?
  •     How do you think understanding psychology can be beneficial in various aspects of your life, both personally and professionally?

Feel free to share personal anecdotes, insights, or questions that have crossed your mind as you begin exploring this field. Remember, our diverse perspectives will enrich our learning experience, so let’s make this discussion engaging and informative!

Looking forward to your thoughts and getting to know everyone better.

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Week 9 Signature Assignment: Profile of a Graduate

This assignment helps to ensure that you will be mindful of the  Download Profile of a Graduatecharacteristics throughout your degree program and to build unique, personal, and meaningful connections between your chosen characteristics.

You will select two of the fifteen characteristics and form a comparison between them, using the research you completed during your previous Research Diary Log assignments. After explaining the results of your research on each of your chosen characteristics, you will conclude the assignment by sharing a proposal for how the two characteristics can be uniquely and meaningfully connected.

You have two options for how you compose, construct, and submit this assignment.

Choose ONE of the options below.


Submit a three- to four-page, APA-formatted paper presenting a well-researched and reasoned evaluation of the Profile of a Graduate. Offer a comparison of the two characteristics you chose, using the research you completed during your previous Research Diary Log assignments. Explain the results of your research and conclude your paper with a proposal for how the two characteristics can be uniquely and meaningfully connected. Your instructor will provide additional guidance.

Below is the suggested rough outline for your paper. However, you may embellish this outline with additional information and insights as desired:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction: Introducing the two profile characteristics (1 paragraph)
  3. Body:
    • Profile Characteristic Number 1: Explanation and discussion
      (2–3 paragraphs)
    • Profile Characteristic Number 2: Explanation and discussion
      (2–3 paragraphs)
  4. Conclusion: Connecting the two Profile characteristics (1 paragraph)
  5. Reference list

The paper must be submitted as a .DOC or .PDF file.


Develop a one-page academic poster or infographic to showcase your research. Offer a comparison of the two characteristics you chose, using the research you completed during your previous Research Diary Log assignments. Explain the results of your research and conclude with a proposal for how the two characteristics can be uniquely and meaningfully connected.

Your poster or infographic should include headings, a brief description of your research findings, and tables or charts when appropriate. Posters should also include effective use of color, images, and clear fonts.

The poster or infographic must include:

  1. Title
  2. An introduction of the two Profile characteristics
  3. Explanation and discussion of Profile Characteristic Number 1
  4. Explanation and discussion of Profile Characteristic Number 2
  5. Conclusion connecting the two Profile characteristics
  6. References list

The poster may be developed using Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or other creative and graphic applications, but must be saved and submitted as a .PDF file. Images of posters made by hand are not permitted.

Resource: Creating an academic posterDownload Creating an academic poster

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Week 3 Assignment: Research Log Activity, Part I

This week, you will begin research for your Signature Assignment on the Profile of a Graduate, due in Week 9. The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore the characteristics our institution expects of everyone who graduates from WCU.

For this week’s assignment:

  1. Review the Profile of a Graduate Download Profile of a Graduatedocument.
  2. Choose two characteristics to focus your research on.
  3. Download the Research Log form Download Research Log formto use as you begin your research.
  4. Using library resources and research techniques, complete rows on page 1 of the form for at least two sources related to your first chosen characteristic.
  5. You will leave page 2 blank for now.
  6. Add a reference in APA Style to the last page of the form for each source you listed on page 1.
  7. Visit the LibGuide for this assignment if you need help!
  8. Save your completed form as “Research Log MyFirstInitialLastName TodaysDate.”
  9. Upload your completed form to this assignment and submit.
  10. You will use your completed form again, later in the course, so be sure to save it in where you can find it later!

Full Signature Assignment (due Week 9) instructions

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 Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member? Yourself?

Respond to ONE option below. In addition to your main response, you must also post responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your response and replies to your peers may be either text-based or a video created using Panopto.

Option 1: Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member? Yourself? Write a two- to three-paragraph letter or produce a two- to three-minute video speaking to the person who is motivating you. Tell them about your current life as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, related to school and your career.
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After watching the first two videos and viewing the document below, think about GRIT: growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity.

Respond to ONE option below. In addition to your main response, you must also post responses to at least two of your classmates’ posts in this thread. Your response and replies to your peers may be either text-based or a video created using Panopto.

Option 1: Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member? Yourself? Write a two- to three-paragraph letter or produce a two- to three-minute video speaking to the person who is motivating you. Tell them about your current life as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, related to school and your career.


Option 2: After watching the first two videos and viewing the document below, think about GRIT: growth, resilience, instinct, and tenacity. Which of these characteristics do you feel you embody the most? Why? Which do you feel is currently the biggest challenge for you? Keeping these four characteristics in mind, what is your first impression of Hannah? Do you think she embodies GRIT? What is Hannah’s current mindset?

View an introduction to HannahLinks to an external site.

View Week 1 videoLinks to an external site.

View Week 2 videoLinks to an external site.

Download View GRIT document

Your responses to your peers should include elements such as follow-up questions, further exploration of topics from the initial post, or requests for further clarification or explanation on some points made by the classmates.

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