Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member?

Think about your motivations for pursuing your current educational goals. Who are you doing this for? A family member? Yourself? Write a two- to three-paragraph letter or produce a two- to three-minute video speaking to the person who is motivating you. Tell them about your current life as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, related to school and your career.

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Multiple studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom show that the probability of dying in the hospital is higher if you are admitted on the weekend.

Multiple studies conducted in the United States, Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom show that the probability of dying in the hospital is higher if you are admitted on the weekend. Why might this be? What factors might contribute to this probability?  What could hospitals do to reduce/eliminate this phenomenon?

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How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider?

Complete your required discussion prompt:

How do you use statistics in your work as a nurse or healthcare provider? Find and discuss at least two examples of how statistics are used in your field. Do you feel like statistics are a vital part of the nursing field? Why or why not?

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Follow Marco and Esmeralda’s story as she helps Marco discover how to evaluate resources!

Follow Marco and Esmeralda’s story as she helps Marco discover how to evaluate resources!

Marco and Esme in the library discussing research resources.Marco and Esme in the library discussing research resources.Marco and Esme in the library discussing research resources.

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How does income affect childhood brain development?  

How does income affect childhood brain development?  

Watch the TED video: to an external site. 

Discuss some of the specific concepts you have learned about childhood brain development and income. 

  • In your response, use at least three new terms from the textbook to support your argument. 
  • Terms such as neuroplasticity, neuroscience, and the brain hemispheres should be included. 
  • This is not based on your personal views; you must include a reference to our course materials to support your ideas. 
  • Support your post with information from this week’s textbook reading on the brain. 

Discussion Board Expectations 

For consideration of full credit, write three posts that respond to the above statements in the discussion: one original and two responses to other students.  

A minimum of three resources must be used, and one of them must be your textbook. Provide scholarly, cited responses where applicable. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the library or a reputable source to support your posts. 

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What specific aspects of psychology have intrigued you or motivated you as you begin this class?  

Reflect on how this Introduction to Psychology course can assist you as you are working toward your degree.

Please address each of the following:

  •     What specific aspects of psychology have intrigued you or motivated you as you begin this class?
  •     What do you hope to gain from studying psychology?
  •     Have you had any prior exposure to psychology, either through coursework, personal reading, or practical experiences?
  •     Which subfields or topics within psychology are you most curious about, and why?
  •     How do you think understanding psychology can be beneficial in various aspects of your life, both personally and professionally?

Feel free to share personal anecdotes, insights, or questions that have crossed your mind as you begin exploring this field. Remember, our diverse perspectives will enrich our learning experience, so let’s make this discussion engaging and informative!

Looking forward to your thoughts and getting to know everyone better.

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Develop a one-page academic poster or infographic to explain the scientific method as discussed in your textbook.

Develop a one-page academic poster or infographic to explain the scientific method as discussed in your textbook.

Your poster or infographic should include headings and a brief description of each step in the process. Posters should also include effective use of color, images, and clear fonts.

The poster or infographic must include:

  1. Title
  2. An introduction of the scientific method
  3. Explanation and discussion of each step in the process
  4. References list

The poster may be developed using Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or other creative and graphic applications, but must be saved and submitted as a .PDF file. Images of posters made by hand are not permitted.

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Describe how you will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at the school of nursing.

Describe how you will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at the school of nursing.

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Although some college mascots seem inexplicable, the names of college mascots have intriguing origin stories that reveal the history and culture of the school.

Thesis Statement: Although some college mascots seem inexplicable, the names of college mascots have intriguing origin stories that reveal the history and culture of the school.



Topic sentence: Some schools don’t even have real mascots.



What is the best revision for this topic sentence?


The “Crimson Tide,” the mascot of Auburn University, isn’t even a real thing.

Some universities have an abstract mascot, such as a “Crimson Tide,” rather than an animal.

Auburn University doesn’t even have real mascots.




Which of the following make good topic sentences? Check all that apply.


Astronaut Valentina Tereshkova is a terrific role model for women.

Astronaut Valentina Tereshkova was born on March 6, 1937.

Astronaut Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space.

Astronaut Valentina Tereshkova was a dedicated and determined person.





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n 200-250 words, describe a time when you were really frightened.

Daily Writing 2


In 200-250 words, describe a time when you were really frightened. If you have never been frightened, describe
a time when you told a lie, maybe even today. Please be sure your handwriting is legible.

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