M4D3: Research Paper Plan

M4D3: Research Paper Plan

Please share .

Your proposed argument topic with your classmates. .

your personal position about this issue?

submit two sources (using the MDC Databases) about your topic in MLA format. Remember to use hanging indentation and alphabetical order.

Review at least two classmates’ posts, give them feedback, and let them know if you think they are formatted correctly or incorrectly, and if incorrect, why. .

Grade Breakdown Per Post: –

Post: 80%

Two Replies:20%

Total: 100%

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Select the details that are unified around this topic sentence.

Select the details that are unified around this topic sentence.

Select all that apply.

In the short term, lack of sleep can affect mood, thought processes, and reaction time.

People who do not sleep well or long enough exhibit poor judgment and reasoning.

Anger and irritability can be caused by a lack of sleep.

Long-term sleeplessness can lead to anxiety and depression.

A lack of sleep can make it difficult to concentrate on tasks.

A balanced diet is also an important factor for mood and thought processes.

A lack of sleep slows reaction time and leads to automobile accidents.

It is important to have a quiet bedroom and a firm, comfortable mattress to get good sleep.

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Compare and contrast, point by point. What are your experiences as a high student vs now in college

Compare and contrast, point by point. What are your experiences as a high student vs now in college

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How were you as a student in high school vs. how you are now as a student in college

How were you as a student in high school vs. how you are now as a student in college
Compare or contrast essay, point by point. How you were as a student in high school vs. how you are now as a student in college.

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What impacted you most from this video, or how did it change your views or perspective?

PBS: Left Behind America

Intimate stories of one Rust Belt city’s struggle to recover in the post-recession economy. Frontline and ProPublica report on the economic and social forces shaping Dayton, Ohio, a once-booming city where nearly 35 percent of people now live in poverty.


Respond in-depth to each of the following as you engage with the resource, so you may want to jot down notes or thoughts as you view your selection:

  1. Provide a brief overview of your selected video:
    You should make it clear you watched the entire video or completed the full experience. Please discuss and do not copy from any outside description of the material. .
  2. What were the most important things you learned from this video?
    Discuss a few things you learned or learned more about from this video or experience.
  3. What impacted you most from this video, or how did it change your views or perspective?
    Describe what impacted you most from this video or experience and/or how this video or experience changed your views or offered new insight or a new perspective. This may include your feelings or general reactions. Consider what surprised (or shocked) you.
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Has the source been revised or updated? Is the source current (1-5 years old) or out of date for your topic?

Almond, Phil. “The persistence of, and challenges to, societal effects in the context of global competition.” Making work more equal. Manchester University Press, 2017. 52-69. https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.12657/31207/Making%20work%20more%20equal.pdf?sequen#page=69 answer the question for the source Title of source Name of author of source Name of container of source Date of publication and date of access When was the information in this source published or posted ? Has the source been revised or updated? Is the source current (1-5 years old) or out of date for your topic? Does it matter if it is/isnt ? Explain ! Are any links on/in the source functional or broken ? Does the information in the source relate to your topic or answer your research question? Who is the intended audience for this source and how do you know ? Is the information in this source at an appropriate level for you needs? Did you look at a variety of source before choosing this one? Explain Would you be comfortable using this source for a research based project for school ? Explain Who is the author/punlisher/source/sponsor? What are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations and are they given in the source? What appear to be the author’s qualifications to write on this topic ? Is there contact information for the author like email address? Does the source have a URLand if so does it reveal anything about the author or the source ? Look for edu, gov, etc Where does the information in the source come from ? Is the information in the source supported by evidence? Has the source been reviewed, edited, peer reviewed, or refereed ? Can you verify any of the information from this source by using another source perhaps in a source cited by this source ? Does the language of the source seem biased and or full of personal pronouns or factual and or free of emotion? How can you tell ? Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors in this source? How can you tell ? How does this help or hinder the clarity of the source? What is the purpose of the information? Do the authors/sponsors for the source make their intention or purpose clear? How do ? Is the source fact, opinion, propaganda, “fake news, “etc? How do you know? Does the point of view appear objective and impartial ? How so ? Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases apparent in this source ? How so ?

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 scratch outline often follows

scratch outline often follows

Multiple Choice

  • freewriting
  • questioning
  • diagramming
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what elements of literature should be added to plays that are not already using them?

what elements of literature should be added to plays that are not already using them?

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What strategies do you incorporate when engaged in a strong discussion? What recommendations do you have for others?

What strategies do you incorporate when engaged in a strong discussion? What recommendations do you have for others?

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Both Dr. King and Dr. Steele present their perspectives on the idea of equality in the United States.

Both Dr. King and Dr. Steele present their perspectives on the idea of equality in the United States. What is each author arguing? How does each incorporate logos, pathos, and ethos in their arguments?

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