The author of a tale of two cities interrupted the story to explain how dr. manette became imprisoned in the past. this is an example of

The author of a tale of two cities interrupted the story to explain how dr. manette became imprisoned in the past. this is an example of

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Why are smart goals important

Why are smart goals important

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In each of the options, the pronoun to focus on is highlighted. O Melissa introduced me to Jake’s brother, whom I had met before.

Choose the option that does not contain any errors in pronoun reference, antecedent agreement, case, and point of view. Choose the option that is CORRECT. *In each of the options, the pronoun to focus on is highlighted. O Melissa introduced me to Jake’s brother, whom I had met before.

Melissa introduced me to Jake’s brother, who I had met before. Melissa introduced me to Jake’s brother, whom’s I had met before.

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Write an Essay about THREE major discoveries you made about YOUR OWN SELF because of your experiences as a college student at MDC

Write an Essay about THREE major discoveries you made about YOUR OWN SELF because of your experiences as a college student at MDC : The focus must be on you as a student specific

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Short Story Requirements: Highlight the elements of fiction (plot, point of view, character, setting, tone & style,

Short Story Requirements: Highlight the elements of fiction (plot, point of view, character, setting, tone & style, theme) and elements of plot (exposition, rising action / complication / conflict, climax, falling action, resolution). On both ” A rose for Emily” by William falkner and “a poison tree” by william blake
I need help highlighting the elements o fiction and the plot on “A rose for emily” by William Faulkner. The work must be original because it is passed by and AI detector

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analyzing a common theme about “Othello” by William Shakespeare and “Titanic” by James Cameron.

I need help writing an essay analyzing a common theme about “Othello” by William Shakespeare and “Titanic” by James Cameron. The essay should be all original writing because it will be passed by an AI detector.

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What are the main motivations behind believing in Illuminati conspiracies?

5. What are the main motivations behind believing in Illuminati conspiracies?

6. What impact do llluminati theories have on society and politics?
7. How have popular culture and media influenced perceptions of the llluminati?

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According to the play, is it right or wrong to disobey one’s superiors? (In the play, a "superior" could be a king, a higher-ranking nobleman, a master, a parent, or a commanding officer.)

Discussion Board Forum 1

For each week’s Discussion Forum, write a response to the provided question on the first thread as well as your own question on the week’s reading in a new thread by Thursday evening. Then, post two (2) comments to your classmate’s threads by Sunday night of that week. Your response to the initial discussion question must be between 100-150 words (not including the required quotations from the text) and at least 50 words for your own question. Your 2 replies must be at least 100 words each (not including the required quotations or citations from the text). Topic: Disobeying One’s Superiors in King Lear

Initial Discussion Question:

In King Lear, several characters explicitly or implicitly disobey their superiors, starting with Cordelia refusing to make a speech about how much she loves her father, as her father requested (Act 1, Scene 1). .

According to the play, is it right or wrong to disobey one’s superiors? (In the play, a "superior" could be a king, a higher-ranking nobleman, a master, a parent, or a commanding officer.)

Explain your position, and to support your answer, quote or refer to at least one specific example of a character disobeying a superior, and cite act, scene, and line numbers.

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Why did Raskelnikov kill the old lady? (There are several possibilities.) Is Raskelnikov evil? Why or why not?

Discussion Board Forum 6

For gaclj week’s Discussion Forum, write a response to the provided question on the first thread as well as your own question on the week’s reading in a new thread by Thursday evening. Then, post two (2) comments to your classmate’s threads by Sunday night of that week. Your response to the initial discussion question must be between 100-150 words (not including the required quotations from the text) and at least 50 words for your own question. Your 2 replies must be at least 100 words each (not including the required quotations or citations from the text).

Initial Discussion Question:

Why did Raskelnikov kill the old lady? (There are several possibilities.) Is Raskelnikov evil? Why or why not? To support your answer, quote or refer to at least one passage from this week’s reading (Books 1-4), and cite page numbers.

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Is suffering redemptive in Crime and Punishment?

Discussion Board Forum 7

For this week, you do not need to post your own question or respond any other students’ questions. You are free to add to the discussion by creating a thread, but only the question below will be graded, to give you more time to work on your essay.

Your response must be between 150- 200 words.

Is suffering redemptive in Crime and Punishment?

|Is Raskolnikov saved in the end? What is your reaction to the ending? To support your answer, quote or refer to at least one passage from this week’s reading (Books 5-6 and the epilogue), and cite page numbers.

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