A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Assignment Overview

Please read Flannery O’Connor’s short story, A Good Man Is Hard To Find, on page 52 of your textbook. As you complete the reading, please consider O’Connor’s use of point of view in the short story.

A good man is hard to find – Flannery O’Connor.pdf


Please answer the following questions and submit your answers here. Please be sure to use academic writing in your responses.

In an essay about her story, O’Connor states: “I don’t want to equate the Misfit with the devil. I prefer to think that however unlikely this may seem, there will be enough of a pain to him to turn him into the prophet he was meant to become.”

1) Analyze what O’Connor means by this. How does this comment affect the reader’s understanding of the text? Please write a complete paragraph.

2) Do you think O’Connor views The Misfit as a victim or a villain?  Please write a complete paragraph.


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what’s the meaning of this quotation and where does it take place

what’s the meaning of this quotation and where does it take place



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what is the meaning of this quotation and were dose it take place

what is the meaning of this quotation and were dose it take place


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Creative ways to be alone Juo slugit of bal noliulog W 14 Complete the sentences below with words from Text 2

Creative ways to be alone Juo slugit of bal noliulog W 14 Complete the sentences below with words from Text 2.

Use ONE word to complete each blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct. 0 92065 93 Inemalgml .8 i) She was horrified at the conditions that the impoverished lead arlf children lived in and decided to help them. (paragraph 1) rolfuloe 161 Jailed ii) Our top priority should be finding ways to the problem before it worsens. (paragraph 2) iii) Some people wrongly one enob slugs boot laziness to unemployment, not realizing that someone can be hard-working and willing to work, yet not have a job due to toitibbe al chronic illness or other reasons. (paragraph 3) iv) Living on the streets was a/an experience that they neverwilson wanted to go through again. (paragraph 3) Aids arts v) Our team is of Find out more members from diverse backgrounds Search online to find out more about and different ages. (paragraph 4) how the local government is addressing loneliness.

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After reading the article on the PinePhone, a Linux-powered smartphone priced at $150, let’s discuss its place in the

Discussion Prompt

After reading the article on the PinePhone, a Linux-powered smartphone priced at $150, let’s discuss its place in the current sma open-source nature of Linus. Do you think there is a potential market for such devices? What challenges and advantages could th Steps for Discussion: 1. Read the Article: The PinePhone starts shipping=a Linux-powered smartphone for $150 B Ensure you understand the main 2. Reflect and Analyze: . Market Niche: Discuss whether there is a specific user base or market niche that would be particularly attracted to Linux sn advocates, or users disillusioned with mainstream options. Challenges: Identify potential barriers for Linus smartphones in competing with established platforms like Android and 105. hardware performance. . Advantages: Highlight the unique advantages that a Linus-powered device might offer, such as enhanced privacy controls, f customize the operating system. 3. Engage with Peers’ Respond to at least two other posts in the discussion. You might support a peer’s point with additional evidence, offer a of Ideas or perspectives. Objective for Your Response . Informed Opinion: Develop a well-informed opinion on the potential success or failure of Linus-powered smartphones like the . Evidence-Based Arguments: Support your views with references from the article or other credible sources if necessary. .

Interactive Discussion: Foster a constructive dialogue by engaging thoughtfully with your classmates’ posts.

Submission Instructions a Post your Initial thoughts in the discussion thread. : Make sure to comment on at least two classmates’ .

Ensure your contributions are respectful, thoughtful, and conducive to a lively and informative discussion.

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Please make resume for Emily Smith.

Please make resume for Emily Smith.

Shes been in the Army reserves since 2018 as a prison guard,

2022- present Child protective social worker

2021- 2022 Security supervisor, Marksman Group Security

2019- 2020 Liberty college Host

2019-2021 Platinum Group Security



Graduate of Bachelors in criminal justic 2022

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Unit 4 Test Which of the following is an example of a theme? 

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A single man with a fortune in search of a wife.

The role of marriage in a

An orphan girl falls in love with her employer.

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Would Benjamin Franklin still be effective as a leader today?

1.Would Benjamin Franklin still be effective as a leader today?

2. locate a primary source written by Benjamin Franklin. It could be a diary entry, speech, political pamphlet, or newspaper article.

3. conduct research using secondary sources on Benjamin Franklin, the primary source, and whether or not Bemjamin Franklin would be effective today.

4. Basic biographical information on Benjamin Franklin.

5. relevant contextual information for the primary source.

6. key summary points for the primary source.

7. Brief analysis of the primary source and how it relates or does not relate to today.

8. argument defending your conclusion on whether Benjamin Franklin would be effective as a leader today or not.

9. defense of your conclusion, including counteragruments and your rebuttal

10. works cited.

11. Benjamin Franklin, and what primary source will you be studying?

12. initial analysis of primary source. the summary and key points based on close reading of the primary source.

13. minimum 4 sources that will give insight on Benjamin Franklin, format for taking notes that will work well for each source.

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 Consider Mr. Darcy’s actions in the novel through Chapter 17. Does Mr. Wickham’s characterization of Mr. Darcy in Chapter 16 match the latter’s actions?

Consider Mr. Darcy’s actions in the novel through Chapter 17. Does Mr. Wickham’s characterization of Mr. Darcy in Chapter 16 match the latter’s actions?

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Essay Assignment 1: Documented Literary Analysis

Essay Assignment 1: Documented Literary Analysis

Your literary analysis essay will be on the novel Sula by Toni Morrison. You can choose from any of the topics listed below (recommended) or explore further topics in the chapter on Sula, in the book How to Write about Toni Morrison (linked here for your convenience).


Your literary analysis should be between 2 ½ and 3 pages (600 to 750 words), not including the Works Cited page, should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font and must meet the following criteria:

• A clearly articulated thesis that states, somewhere in your introduction, the assertion (position, interpretation) that your paper will prove

• An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

• At least two quotes from the novel itself that are integrated into your discussion

• At least two citations of outside sources (such as literary criticism on the novel). At least one source should come from the MDC databases. All sources must be academic.

• Topic sentences that focus the discussion of the body paragraphs

• Examples, details, explanations in the body paragraphs that clearly support your thesis

• Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs

• Proper MLA style format in the heading, in the in-text citations, and in the Works Cited page (see the template for the heading and margins in this lesson)

• Works Cited page includes articles from two sources and from the novel for a minimum of three total listed sources

• Standard usage, grammar, and mechanics



Choose any ONE of the following 10 topics:


1. Analyze the ending of the novel. What are the “circles of sorrow” that Nel experiences? Is the ending pessimistic, optimistic, or something else altogether?

2. Nel and Sula’s friendship is central in the novel. As children, the girls develop their self-concept through the friendship. When they are adults, Nel feels betrayed when Sula sleeps with Jude, but Sula has also felt betrayed by Nel during the Chicken Little incident. How did Nel betray Sula as regards Chicken Little’s death and what is the significance of this mutual betrayal in their lives?

3. How do people who are intensely individualistic fare in the novel? Is it possible to break away from the values of the community and to be one’s own person Answer the question with reference to at least two of the novel’s characters.

4. How and by whom is love expressed in the novel? In what ways does the love in the novel ease the suffering of the characters? How is love not enough to diminish the suffering of the characters? Answer the question by discussing at least two characters in the novel.

5. In what ways are the various characters in the novel alienated from the community? How do they cope with their loneliness, their preoccupations, and other effects of feeling alienated?

6. Compare and contrast the journey of self-discovery for two characters in the book. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the comparison and contrast.

7. Contrast Nel’s relationship to her mother and Sula’s interaction with her mother. Remember to take a position in your thesis that establishes the significance of the contrast.

8. Trace the use of three symbols in the novel and explain their connection to a theme in the novel.

9. What does Shadrack’s character teach us about the effects of war and the ways mentally ill people can be ostracized from a community?

10. Although no one has ever joined Shadrack on National Suicide Day, in the chapter titled “1941,” much of the town marches toward the tunnel where they have not been able to work, and, in their rage, they try to “kill, as best they could, the tunnel they were forbidden to build” (160). What is the significance of the event at the tunnel and the resulting deaths there?

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